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Welcome to Holocron!📜

Your mission-critical tool for optimizing operational efficiency and achieving excellence in development products. Holocron is designed to empower resource managers, leadership, and strategic planners with invaluable insights into the flow of operations and offers proven best practices to enhance mission success and make informed decisions to enhance the flow of operations. Our platform equips you with the capability to closely monitor your operational system, identify potential challenges that could impact future objectives, and maintain the readiness and effectiveness of your unit. With Holocron, you gain access to crucial operational metrics, along with in-depth explanations of their significance, and actionable recommendations to ensure continuous improvement in military endeavors.


Big Bang Setup📜

For a quick “Getting Started” path to deploying with Big Bang, view our guide here.

Market Comparison📜

Product Flow Metrics DORA Metrics Platform Agnostic Org Rollups License
Holocron Apache 2.0
TaskTop Viz Commercial
GitLab Commercial
GitHub Commercial
Jira Commercial

Platform Agnostic📜

Holocron currently collects data from Jira and GitLab for workflow metrics and from GitLab and Sonar for source code activity and pipeline health. Nevertheless, due to the common data model, it is a simple matter to create data collectors for other sources based on the existing collectors.

Org Rollups📜

Provide a way to manage and oversee complex organizations by creating a hierarchical structure that consolidates various sub-organizations or divisions. This structure enhances reporting, resource management, and strategic planning capabilities for the organization as a whole.

Latest Releases📜




Last update: 2024-01-31 by Mark Howard