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Fortify App📜

Pre Deployment Configuration📜

  • How to create java keystore?
  • you need to create pkcs12 java keystore add certificate and key using openssl.

    • bash openssl pkcs12 -export -in <client-cert.pem> -inkey <client-key.pem> -out fortify-keystore.jks -name <Alias Name>
  • Validate certs in keystore

    • bash keytool -list -v -keystore fortify-keystore.jks

Post Install Configuration📜

  • Prerequisites:

  • Keycloak is available to fortify

    • Make sure you configure a valid redirect URL to


    • Make sure you configure a valid logout URL

    • saml_single_logout_service_url_post: http://${FORTIFY_URL}/saml/SingleLogout/alias/ssc`

  • Keycloak realm metadata is available from keycloak. To verify please try follow below steps

    • curl https://${KEYCLOAK_DNS}/auth/realms/${REALM_NAME}/protocol/saml
    • with above command you should get a 200 response and also xml file with data to connect to IDP(Identity Provider(Keycloak))
  • Keystore password

    • secret name ref:
    • Name: fortify-secret
    • Data: httpCertificateKeystorePassword
  • Certificate password

    • secret name ref:
    • Name: fortify-secret
    • Data: httpCertificateKeyPassword
  • Post Configuration:

  • Login into the Fortify web UI using the default user credentials username/password: admin/admin. It will prompt you to update your password immediately.


  • Complete login with new credentials

  • Now you need to setup SSO with SAML

  • Navigate to administration page and select configuration on left sidebar of the administration page.


  • Select SSO in the configuration section, it will show a drop down menu for SSO options.


  • From the drop down select SAML, by default most of the values are populated already.


  • set the keystore password and signing and encryption key.


  • Save the config.

  • Now go to argocd and kill the fortify pod.( Note: Just kill the pod to restart service and wait for approx:3 min).



  • Now try to access your fortify URL, it will redirect back to keycloak.

Last update: 2024-06-06 by Daniel Pritchett