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Install Istio📜

In this lab you will install Istio.

Download Istio📜

  1. Run the following command from your home directory:

    curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION={{istio.version}} sh -
  2. Navigate into the directory created by the above command.

    cd istio-{{istio.version}}

Add istioctl to your PATH📜

The istioctl CLI is located in the bin/ subdirectory.


Cloud Shell only preserves files located inside your home directory across sessions.

This means that if you install a binary to a PATH such as /usr/local/bin, after your session times out that file will no longer be there!

As a workaround, you will add ${HOME}/bin to your PATH and place the binary there.

  1. Create a bin subdirectory in your home directory:

    mkdir ~/bin
  2. Copy the CLI to that subdirectory:

    cp ./bin/istioctl ~/bin
  3. Add your home bin subdirectory to your PATH

    cat << EOF >> ~/.bashrc
    export PATH="~/bin:\$PATH"

    And then:

    source ~/.bashrc

Verify istioctl is installed with:

istioctl version

With the CLI installed, proceed to install Istio to Kubernetes.

Install Istio📜

  1. Istio can be installed directly with the CLI:

    istioctl install
  2. When prompted, enter y to proceed to install Istio.

Take a moment to learn more about Istio installation profiles.

Verify that Istio is installed📜

  1. List Kubernetes namespaces and note the new namespace istio-system.

    kubectl get ns
  2. Verify that the istiod controller pod is running in that namespace.

    kubectl get pod -n istio-system
  3. Re-run istioctl version. The output should include a control plane version, indicating that Istio is indeed present in the cluster.


With Istio installed, we are ready to deploy an application to the mesh.