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SonarQube configuration for PartyBus📜

  1. Log in using default username / password
  2. Navigate to Administration > Security > Users
  3. Click the Cog for the Administrator user > change password > populate the old and new password, saving the new password
  4. Click the admin user’s profile (top right corner) > My Account > Security
  5. Enter a token name > Generate, saving the token and name
  6. Follow instructions for Keycloak integration
  7. Quality Gates > Create
  8. Name = “Platform One Quality Gate” > Save
  9. Set as Default
  10. Add Condition (for each) >
    1. On New Code and Overall Code
      1. Coverage = 80
      2. Maintainability Rating = A
      3. Reliability Rating = A
      4. Security Hotspots Reviewed = 0
      5. Security Rating = A

Last update: 2020-10-30 by andrew.greene