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Monitoring Specific Keycloak Configuration📜

Table of Contents📜

  • Keycloak configuration
  • Grafana configuration
  • Prometheus+Alertmanager configuration

These are the items you need to configure after keycloak and Grafana are working on your cluster, or you are utilizing an external keycloak eg:

Keycloak Configuration📜


  1. Create a grafana client scope named “Grafana” with the following mappings
Name Mapper Type Mapper Selection Sub Token Claim Name Claim JSON Type Other
profile User Attribute profile profile String Add to ID token: on
Add to access token: on
add to userinfo: on
multivalued: off
aggr attrib values: off
email User Property email email String Add to ID token: on
Add to access token: on
add to userinfo: on
realm roles User Realm Role realm roles realm_access.roles String Add to ID token: off
Add to access token: on
add to userinfo: off
client roles User Client Role N/A resource_access.${client_id}.roles String Add to ID token: off
Add to access token: on
add to userinfo: off
username User Property username preferred_username String Add to ID token: on
Add to access token: on
add to userinfo: on
groups Group Membership N/A groups N/A Full group path: on
Add to ID token: on
Add to access token: on
add to userinfo: on
  1. Create a grafana client

  2. Change the following configuration items

  3. access type: confidential this will enable a “Credentials” tab within the client configuration page
  4. Direct Access Grants Enabled: Off
  5. Valid Redirect URIs: https://grafana.DOMAIN/login/generic_oauth
  6. Base URL: https://grafana.DOMAIN
  7. Set Client Scopes
  8. Default Client Scopes: Grafana (the client scope you created in the previous step)
  9. optional client scopes: N/A
  10. Take note of the client secret in the credential tab


  1. Create a prometheus client

  2. Change the following configuration items

  3. access type: confidential this will enable a “Credentials” tab within the client configuration page
  4. Direct Access Grants Enabled: Off
  5. Valid Redirect URIs: https://prometheus.DOMAIN/login/generic_oauth
  6. Base URL: https://prometheus.DOMAIN
  7. Take note of the client secret in the credential tab


  1. Create an alertmanager client

  2. Change the following configuration items

  3. access type: confidential this will enable a “Credentials” tab within the client configuration page
  4. Direct Access Grants Enabled: Off
  5. Valid Redirect URIs: https://alertmanager.DOMAIN/login/generic_oauth
  6. Base URL: https://alertmanager.DOMAIN
  7. Take note of the client secret in the credential tab

Grafana Configuration📜

Grafana configuration can be set via the editing the following section in the chart’s values.

  • It is recommended to utilize BigBang’s encrypted helm values support to paste in the client_secret directly.
  • Below config are example BigBang values for enabling and configuring OIDC support:
    realm: baby-yoda
  certificate_authority: ''

    enabled: true
      client_id: ""
      client_secret: ""
      scopes: "openid Grafana" # default 'openid profile email'
      allow_sign_up: "true" # true/false if Grafana will auto-create users from Keycloak after successful first login
  • The root_url setting DOES NOT need to be edited if you filled in your “hostname” variable in your values file and istio is enabled, update only if desiring a different prefix or if not using HTTPS.

  • Setting monitoring.sso.enabled=true in BigBang values will set Grafana OIDC to enabled.

  • Update role_attribute_path to either “Editor” or “Admin” to allow all OIDC created users to be able to edit dashboards or administer the grafana install.

Enabling Grafana OIDC in BigBang📜

    enabled: true
      client_id: grafana
      client_secret: secret

OIDC Custom CA📜

Grafana can establish trust using a CA cert file with OIDC auth connections. An example of this when using Big Bang to deploy grafana with a secret named grafana-oidc-secret is below. This assumes the secret is created in the same namespace (an example of secret creation can also be found below):

    enabled: true
      scopes: "openid Grafana" #this is a sample client scope, review docs/
      allow_sign_up: "true"
      role_attribute_path: "Viewer"
      tls_client_cert: ""
      tls_client_key: ""
      tls_client_ca : "/etc/oidc/ca.pem"
      tls_skip_verify_insecure: false
      client_id: "grafana"    #this is a sample client_id, review docs/
      client_secret: "secret" #this is a sample secret, review docs/
      # allowed_domains: ""
      # empty_scopes: false

        - name: "oidc-ca-cert"
          mountPath: "/etc/oidc/ca.pem"
          secretName: "grafana-oidc-secret"
          readOnly: true
          subPath: "ca.pem"

Secret creation example that works with this example”

kubectl create secret generic grafana-oidc-secret --from-file=ca.pem=/path/to/cert.pem -n monitoring

Prometheus + Alertmanager Configuration📜

Configuration of Keycloak/OIDC auth in front of Prometheus+Alertmanager requires the following:

    realm: baby-yoda
  certificate_authority: ''
  # JWKS value is different for each Keycloak instance, will need to be retrieved after deployment. Can be found with: $ curl https://$KEYCLOAK_URL$/auth/realms/$KEYCLOAK_REALM$ /protocol/openid-connect/certs
  jwks: ""

    enabled: true
      client_id: ""
      client_secret: ""
      client_id: ""
      client_secret: ""

  enabled: true
  • Configuration above is for BigBang, chains for authservice are automatically populated when above settings are present.

  • Setting monitoring.sso.enabled to true installs an HAProxy container in the authservice namespace which works in conjunction with Authservice itself to place an OIDC redirect in front of Prometheus+Alertmanager.

  • When monitoring.sso.enabled is set to true, the Prometheus+Alertmanager VirtualServices are replaced with ones that route to the HAProxy Deployment rather than directly to the services themselves.

Last update: 2023-05-16 by Ryan Garcia