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The integration assumes that keycloak is deployed with a realm other than master (eg: baby-yoda) and a client within named gitlab. The secret is used in the gitlab keycloak configuration.

This documentation is geared towards configuring GitLab to work with P1 SSO/ To learn about deploying GtitLab with a dev version of Keycloak, see

If the client gitlab doesn’t exist in keycloak, please create the client gitlab with the following settings: 1. Create a gitlab OIDC client scope. The scope name is case sensitive and must match the oidc settings that Gitlab was deployed with. Bigbang Gitlab settings are expecting scope name “Gitlab” with a capital G. Use the following mappings:

| Name        | Mapper Type      | Mapper Selection Sub | Token Claim Name   | Claim JSON Type |
| email       | User Property    | email                | email              | String          |
| profile     | User Attribute   | profile              | N/A                | String          |
| username    | User Property    | username             | preferred_username | String          |
  1. Create a gitlab client
    • Change the following configuration items
    • access type: confidential this will enable “Credentials”
    • Direct Access Grants Enabled: Off
    • Valid Redirect URIs: https://code.${DOMAIN}/users/auth/openid_connect/callback
    • Base URL: https://code.${DOMAIN}
    • Set Client Scopes
    • Default Client Scopes: Gitlab (the client scope you created in the previous step. This is case sensitive.)
    • optional client scopes: N/A
    • Take note of the client secret in the credential tab

GitLab configuration for keycloak📜

Reference Gitlab documentation for SSO. This is a working example of the json configuration used for keycloak integration.

  "name": "openid_connect",
  "label": "Platform One SSO",
  "args": {
    "name": "openid_connect",
    "scope": [
    "response_type": "code",
    "issuer": "",
    "client_auth_method": "query",
    "discovery": true,
    "uid_field": "preferred_username",
    "client_options": {
      "identifier": "platform1_a8604cc9-f5e9-4656-802d-d05624370245_bb8-gitlab",
      "secret": "your-secret-here",
      "redirect_uri": "",
      "end_session_endpoint": ""
Fill in your values and create a json file with the contents in a temporary directory somewhere. You can name the file gitlab-oidc.json. Encode the contents with base64
cat gitlab-oidc.enc.json | base64 -w 0
The encoded output is what you will use in the next step. The -w 0 insures that the encoded value is a one line string.

Create a secret in Gitlab namespace for the oidc provider info📜

Create a secret for the json provider config from the previous step

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: oidc-provider
    namespace: gitlab
    gitlab-oidc.json:  <enter your encoded json config here>
Before you commit this secret you can encrypt the base64 encoded data with sops. Only encrypt the data section. Flux needs to be able to read the other fields.

Gitlab omniauth global configuration📜

Override the helm chart values.yaml for your environment to include the oidc-provider secret in gitlab global.appConfig.omniauth definition. The following example is the minimum config that you need. Refer to Gitlab documentation for more settings.

      enabled: true
      # autoSignInWithProvider:
      # syncProfileFromProvider: []
      syncProfileAttributes: ['email']
      allowSingleSignOn: ['openid_connect']
      blockAutoCreatedUsers: false
      # autoLinkLdapUser: false
      # autoLinkSamlUser: false
      # externalProviders: []
      # allowBypassTwoFactor: []
        - secret: oidc-provider
          key: gitlab-oidc.json

If all your configuration is correct you will be able to deploy and use SSO auth for Gitlab!

Last update: 2024-04-15 by Ryan Garcia