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Appliance Mode📜

Big Bang Core currently provides the ability for all packages to be enabled and running Highly Available while being able to fit within the following footprint: * 4 vCPU * 16 GB Ram

There is a values.yaml file in this same directory which provides an example of some overrides for the core packages. Flux is also required and included as part of the resource consumption and allocation.

Big Bang Core Package Comments
Flux source, helm, kustomize & notification controllers
Istio Possibly too heavy for reduced compute but still able to run on above machine
Jaeger Not enough value to justify value and footprint above Tempo
Tempo tracing capability integrated with grafana
Kiali Not enough value to justify running in smaller footprint
Monitoring Prometheus/Alertmanager/Grafana for monitoring/alerting
ECK Too heavy for reduced compute
Loki/Promtail need logging
Gatekeeper/Kyverno Static environment on edge, compliance will be validated in development/cloud
Cluster Auditor/Kyerno Reporter Static environment on edge, compliance will be validated in development/cloud
Twistlock/Neuvector Runtime security at least

Review and reference the values file in the configs folder to deploy BigBang in Appliance Mode.

Last update: 2023-02-13 by Ryan Garcia