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Tempo in Production💣

This chart defaults to storing traces inside a PVC on a single replica, but support for objectStorage comes via Big Bang so that traces and information can be stored in external object storage and utilize multiple replicas if needed.

Basic S3 Compatible Object Storage Configuration💣

This example will first go over using AWS as your external object storage endpoint, then something S3 API Compatible like an in-cluster Minio installation. Please note that Grafana Tempo is not able to successfully utilize an attached IAM Role/Profile so Credentials will need to be specified. BigBang templating has been added to inject these as secrets instead of via a ConfigMap.


    # -- S3 compatible endpoint to use for connection information.
    # examples: "" "" "minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000"
    # Note: tempo does not require protocol prefix for URL.
    endpoint: ""

    # -- S3 compatible region to use for connection information.
    region: "us-gov-west-1"

    # -- Access key for connecting to object storage endpoint.
    accessKey: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

    # -- Secret key for connecting to object storage endpoint.
    # Unencoded string data. This should be placed in the secret values and then encrypted

    # -- Bucket Names for Loki as a comma delimited list.
    # examples: "tempo-traces"
    bucket: "bucket1"

S3 Compatible API💣

    # -- S3 compatible endpoint to use for connection information.
    # examples: "" "" "minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000"
    # Note: tempo does not require protocol prefix for URL.
    endpoint: "minio.minio.svc:80"

    # -- S3 compatible region to use for connection information.
    region: ""

    # -- Access key for connecting to object storage endpoint.
    accessKey: "minio-user"

    # -- Secret key for connecting to object storage endpoint.
    # Unencoded string data. This should be placed in the secret values and then encrypted
    accessSecret: "minio-password"

    # -- Bucket Names for Loki as a comma delimited list.
    # examples: "tempo-traces"
    bucket: "bucket1"

    insecure: true

Last update: 2022-07-07 by Ryan Garcia