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Big Bang follows a GitOps approach to deployment. All configuration changes will be pulled and reconciled with what is stored in the Git repository. The only exception to this is the initial manifests (e.g. dev.yaml) which points to the Git repository and path.


  1. Before pushing changes to Git, validate all configuration is syntactically correct.
# If everything is successful, YAML should be output
kustomize build ./dev
  1. If you have not already done so, push configuration changes to Git
git push
  1. Validate the Kubernetes context is correct
# This should match the environment you intend to deploy
kubectl config current-context
  1. Deploy the Big Bang manifest to the cluster
kubectl apply -f dev.yaml
  1. Monitor the deployment


All changes to the Big Bang cluster should be made through Git. After changes are pushed, Big Bang will automatically reconcile the difference with the cluster.

It may take Big Bang up to 10 minutes to recognize your changes and start to deploy them. This is based on the interval value set for polling. You can force Big Bang to immediately check for changes by running the script.

Changes to values can be tested in each environment using the named folders to override values and/or point to specific repo branches or tags. After testing, the changes can be placed into the ./base folder if the change is shared between all environments.


The following commands will help you monitor the progress of the Big Bang deployment. Review the flowchart, if needed, to understand the progression. Use the Troubleshooting Guide if you have failures.

  1. Verify Flux is running
kubectl get deploy -n flux-system

# All resources should be in the 'Ready' state
 NAME                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
 source-controller         1/1     1            1           106s
 kustomize-controller      1/1     1            1           106s
 notification-controller   1/1     1            1           105s
 helm-controller           1/1     1            1           106s
  1. Verify the environment was pulled from the Git repo
kubectl get gitrepository -A

# `environment-repo`: STATUS should be True
 NAMESPACE   NAME               URL                                                                     READY   STATUS                                                                      AGE
 bigbang     environment-repo      True    Fetched revision: main/185e252f4452d897531ab0314adc7a189562be31       2m7s
  1. Verify the environment Kustomization properly worked
kubectl get kustomizations -A

# `environment`: READY should be True
 NAMESPACE   NAME          READY   STATUS                                                                    AGE
 bigbang     environment   True    Applied revision: main/185e252f4452d897531ab0314adc7a189562be31     6m41s
  1. Verify the ConfigMaps were deployed
kubectl get configmap -l -A

# 'common' and 'environment' should exist
 NAMESPACE   NAME                          DATA   AGE
 bigbang     common-cch6942dk9             1      19m
 bigbang     environment-d2tgb27f56        1      19m
  1. Verify the Secrets were deployed
kubectl get secrets -l -A

# 'common-bb' and 'environment-bb' should exist
 NAMESPACE   NAME                        TYPE     DATA   AGE
 bigbang     common-bb-kc5t8dbdfh        Opaque   1      18m
 bigbang     environment-bb-mhddkt46bd   Opaque   1      18m
  1. Verify the Big Bang Helm Chart was pulled
kubectl get gitrepositories -A

# 'bigbang' READY should be True
 NAME            URL                                                        READY   STATUS                                                                      AGE
 bigbang   True    Fetched revision: master/8a4a1ddd0c9edf316f5362680cf2921baf0c3451   25m
  1. Verify the Big Bang Helm Chart was deployed
kubectl get hr -A

# 'bigbang' READY should be True
 NAMESPACE   NAME             READY   STATUS                             AGE
 bigbang     bigbang    True    Release reconciliation succeeded   28m
  1. Verify Big Bang package Helm charts are pulled
kubectl get gitrepository -A

# The Git repository holding the Helm charts for each package can be seen in the URL column.
# The STATUS column shows the branch and tag of the revision being used.
 NAMESPACE     NAME              URL                                                                             READY   STATUS                                                                      AGE
 bigbang       bigbang                         True    Fetched revision: master/3a44686520152e576a8c2c6f264876efff497c4b           8m25s
 bigbang       logging                True    Fetched revision: release-v0.2.x/9cfe1e14c12098464ee89eb877614f781cd78fb7   8m23s
 bigbang       certmanager       True    Fetched revision: release-v1.0.x/1247135baf145dcfad4a4a02ef679c48fb76d9fb   8m23s
 bigbang       istio              True    Fetched revision: chart-release/2b02a51b7950ce21bac26403fa25d09e7e3f86c3    8m23s
 bigbang       twistlock   True    Fetched revision: chart-release/faf038197291915713e0f213a4e35991e72f73f6    8m23s
 bigbang       gatekeeper                True    Fetched revision: chart-release/1a5f32c8e7f672c3b5937b604e5f38eaa08ce246    8m23s
 bigbang       monitoring            True    Fetched revision: release-v0.2.x/ca60bedcc106b95beb0bf9ccdc6e0e759e6fd6bf   8m23s
 bigbang       cluster-auditor       True    Fetched revision: chart-release/598c35670db0cbdb3a48063b2d558965afe73185    8m23s
  1. Verify the packages get deployed
# Use watch since it take a long time to deploy
watch kubectl get hr,deployments,po -A

# Flux will not attempt to deploy a package until its dependencies are ready
# All Helm Release resources and Pods
 Every 2.0s: kubectl get hr,deployments,po -A                                                                            localhost: Mon Nov  9 10:14:56 2020

 NAMESPACE     NAME                                                          READY    STATUS                                                 AGE
 bigbang                    True     Release reconciliation succeeded                       64s
 bigbang                 True     Release reconciliation succeeded                       62s
 bigbang               False    dependency 'bigbang/gatekeeper' is not ready           62s
 bigbang             Unknown  Reconciliation in progress                             62s
 bigbang                      False    dependency 'bigbang/istio-operator' is not ready       62s
 bigbang                        False    dependency 'bigbang/eck-operator' is not ready         62s
 bigbang           False    dependency 'bigbang/gatekeeper' is not ready           62s
 bigbang                  False    dependency 'bigbang/gatekeeper' is not ready           62s
 bigbang   False    dependency 'bigbang/gatekeeper' is not ready           62s
 bigbang            False    dependency 'bigbang/gatekeeper' is not ready           62s
 bigbang                True     Release reconciliation succeeded                       62s
 bigbang                 False    dependency 'bigbang/gatekeeper' is not ready           62s

 NAMESPACE           NAME                                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
 kube-system         deployment.apps/local-path-provisioner          1/1     1            1           4m48s
 kube-system         deployment.apps/coredns                         1/1     1            1           4m48s
 flux-system         deployment.apps/helm-controller                 1/1     1            1           4m6s
 flux-system         deployment.apps/notification-controller         1/1     1            1           4m6s
 flux-system         deployment.apps/source-controller               1/1     1            1           4m7s
 flux-system         deployment.apps/kustomize-controller            1/1     1            1           4m7s
 gatekeeper-system   deployment.apps/gatekeeper-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           2m8s
 gatekeeper-system   deployment.apps/gatekeeper-audit                1/1     1            1           2m8s
 istio-operator      deployment.apps/istio-operator                  0/1     1            0           8s

 NAMESPACE           NAME                                                 READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
 kube-system         pod/local-path-provisioner-6d59f47c7-s6rln           1/1     Running             0          4m36s
 kube-system         pod/coredns-7944c66d8d-flk4p                         1/1     Running             0          4m36s
 flux-system         pod/helm-controller-578cdbcd8b-tjzs7                 1/1     Running             0          4m6s
 flux-system         pod/notification-controller-7c59d85f77-92ckv         1/1     Running             0          4m6s
 flux-system         pod/source-controller-7d6f889df9-f888j               1/1     Running             0          4m7s
 flux-system         pod/kustomize-controller-5cfb78859c-n85xn            1/1     Running             0          4m6s
 gatekeeper-system   pod/gatekeeper-controller-manager-5b9cf6c85d-cqd8t   1/1     Running             0          2m8s
 gatekeeper-system   pod/gatekeeper-audit-7db49c54d5-pwzwh                1/1     Running             0          2m8s
 istio-operator      pod/istio-operator-79f966cfc-rjhhc                   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          8s
  1. Wait until all Helm Releases, Deployments, and Pods are Ready. Be patient, this can take 15-30 minutes.

The Git repositories are monitored periodically (default is 10m) for changes. If a change is detected, the configuration will be reconciled using Flux. The monitoring techniques above can be used to monitor the reconciliation.

Last update: 2022-08-18 by Micah Nagel