To upgrade the Velero Packageπ
Check the upstream changelog and the helm chart upgrade notes.
Update dependenciesπ
kpt pkg update chart/@velero-X.X.X --strategy alpha-git-patch
Update binariesπ
Pull assets and commit the binaries as well as the Chart.lock file that was generated.
helm dependency update ./chart
Update chartπ
Renovate will:
- Bump appVersion
and version
to the appropriate new versions.
- Update any image tags under annotations
Modifications made to upstreamπ
This is a high-level list of modifications that Big Bang has made to the upstream helm chart. You can use this as as cross-check to make sure that no modifications were lost during the upgrade process.
- Added values for
, andbbtests
- Changed image to default to Ironbank image
- Set default
, andimagePullSecrets
- Added commented out values for
- Added values for aws, csi, and azure under the new
- Added CA bundle conditionally as ENV/volume mount
- Changed
configuration to merge.values.plugins
with theinitContainers
- Added file/secret for CA cert
- Added resources for containers
- Network policies added
- Istio mTLS (peerauthentication) resources added
- Grafana dashboard added
- CSI Snapshot class added
Testing new Velero Versionπ
- Deploy Velero as a part of BigBang
helm upgrade \ --install bigbang ./bigbang/chart \ --create-namespace \ --namespace bigbang \ -f ./bigbang/chart/ingress-certs.yaml \ -f ./bigbang/docs/assets/configs/example/dev-sso-values.yaml \ -f ./overrides/registry-values.yaml \ -f ./overrides/velero.yaml
kiali: enabled: false kyverno: enabled: false kyvernoPolicies: enabled: false kyvernoReporter: enabled: false promtail: enabled: false loki: enabled: false neuvector: enabled: false tempo: enabled: false monitoring: enabled: true addons: velero: enabled: true plugins: - aws values: plugins: aws: enabled: true image: imagePullSecrets: - private-registry configuration: backupStorageLocation: - provider: aws bucket: velero123 config: region: "us-gov-west-1" insecureSkipTLSVerify: "true" s3ForcePathStyle: "true" s3Url: http://minio.minio.svc volumeSnapshotLocation: - name: default provider: aws config: region: "us-gov-west-1" credentials: useSecret: true secretContents: cloud: | [default] aws_access_key_id = minio aws_secret_access_key = minio123 # Set a service account so that the CRD clean up job has proper permissions to delete CRDs serviceAccount: server: name: velero cleanUpCRDs: true networkPolicies: enabled: true bbtests: enabled: true minioOperator: enabled: true minio: enabled: true values: tenants: pools: - servers: 2 volumesPerServer: 4 size: 256Mi resources: requests: cpu: 250m memory: 2Gi limits: cpu: 250m memory: 2Gi securityContext: runAsUser: 1001 runAsGroup: 1001 fsGroup: 1001 runAsNonRoot: true bbtests: enabled: false cypress: envs: cypress_url: '' scripts: envs: MINIO_PORT: '' MINIO_HOST: ''
Setting upπ
- The above instructions will bring Velero up quickly, by disabling most other bigbang packages aside from Istio and the Monitoring stack. ib_creds.yaml refers to wherever your registryCredentials key is saved.
- Once everything comes up, log in to Minio using the credentials above (minio/minio123 by default) and create a Bucket called velero123 (or whatever you set under addons.velero.values.configuration.backupStorageLocation[].bucket). This ensures that Veleros backups will have a destination.
- If you encounter an issue where Velero has no deployed releases, you may need to roll back any helm releases and Velero resources before redeploying.
Backing up a clusterπ
Velero can be interacted with using its pod:
% kubectl get pods -n velero
velero-velero-579bd4f68-6wl4p 2/2 Running 0 3m40s
% kubectl exec -it velero-velero-579bd4f68-6wl4p -n velero -- bash
bash-5.1$ velero backup create goodbackup
bash-5.1$ velero backup create monitoringbackup --include-namespaces=monitoring
These backup files will be delivered to Minio, or whatever BackupStorageLocation was chosen. If these backups are not being placed in the Minio bucket, ensure that it was created and named correctly. You can also use velero backup describe <backupname>
to troubleshoot issues. Velero Backup Documentation can help with taking more fine-grained backups, and Velero Restore Documentation can assist in restoring backups to the same or different clusters.
Big Bang Integration Testingπ
As part of your MR that modifies bigbang packages, you should modify the bigbang bigbang/tests/test-values.yaml against your branch for the CI/CD MR testing by enabling your packages.
- To do this, at a minimum, you will need to follow the instructions at [bigbang/docs/developer/]( with changes for Velero enabled (the below is a reference, actual changes could be more depending on what changes where made to Velero in the pakcage MR).
enabled: true
tag: null
branch: <my-package-branch-that-needs-testing>
enabled: true
### Additional compononents of Velero should be changed to reflect testing changes introduced in the package MR
The mutating Kyverno policy named update-automountserviceaccounttokens
is leveraged to harden all ServiceAccounts in this package with automountServiceAccountToken: false
. This policy is configured by namespace in the Big Bang umbrella chart repository at chart/templates/kyverno-policies/values.yaml.
This policy revokes access to the K8s API for Pods utilizing said ServiceAccounts. If a Pod truly requires access to the K8s API (for app functionality), the Pod is added to the pods:
array of the same mutating policy. This grants the Pod access to the API, and creates a Kyverno PolicyException to prevent an alert.