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Keycloak integration๐Ÿ“œ

Integrating with SAML๐Ÿ“œ

Integrating Prisma Cloud with SAML consists of setting up your IdP, then configuring Prisma Cloud to integrate with it. For keycloak integration we will use use Shibboleth as the IdP type. Here is the official SAML documentation if needed.

Setting up Prisma Cloud in Keycloak

  1. These instructions assume that Keycloak is properly installed and configured with a realm other than master.

  2. In Keycloak select the realm

  3. On the left column, select โ€œClientsโ€, then click button Create.

  4. The client can be manually created. Or the example twistlock-saml-client.json can be imported after clicking the Create button. Make any necessary changes and click Save button. Example settings:

Client ID: platform1_00eb8904-5b88-4c68-ad67-cec0d2e07aa6_bb8_twistlock Client Protocol: saml

Settings TAB (accept defaults except for the following) Name: twistlock Sign Assertions: ON Client Signature Required: OFF Root URL: Valid Redirect URIs: *

  1. Select the โ€œInstallationโ€ tab. In the Format Option dropdown select Mod Auth Mellon files. Then click the Download button. Information from this file is needed to configure Twistlock.

  2. Create a test user in Keycloak for testing the Twistlock SSO authentication and ensure they are part of the group matching the hash in the client_id eg: 00eb8904-5b88-4c68-ad67-cec0d2e07aa6

Twistlock SAML configuration๐Ÿ“œ

With the init script, Twistlock SAML SSO integration along with creating additional users can be automated via sso.enabled: true and console.additionalUsers. Refer to here for more information.

Alternatively you can manually configure Twistlock SSO integration through the Administration UI. When Twistlock is deployed for the first time the login will ask you to create an admin user. Login with the admin user and follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Twistlock console URL. After installation you will be asked to create an admin user and enter license key.

  2. (Optional) Navigate to Manage -> Authentication in the left navigation bar. Select System Certificates (it might be in a drop down list if your browser is narrow). Enter the concatenated certificate and private key that matches your console domain. This is necessary so that the twistlock server can do TLS to Keycloak. When you click the Save button you will be logged out. You will have to log in again with the admin credentials.

  3. Navigate to Manage -> Authentication in the left navigation bar. Click on Identity providers Tab & select SAML (it might be in a drop down list if your browser is narrow). Then turn on the enabled switch. Use identity provider โ€œShibbolethโ€. This provider selection was recommended by Twistlock support.

  4. Fill in the form. Example values are shown below. Use the values for your specific IdP. You can get the values from the installation files idp-metadata.xml and sp-metadata.xml in the zip archive downloaded from Keycloak from step #6 in the previous section. a. Identity provider single sign-on URL: this is the Keycloak SAML authentication endpoint. The value can be found inside the <SingleSignOnService> tag in the idp-metadata.xml installation file. b. Identity provider issuer: enter the Keycloak URL path to the realm. The value can be found inside the <EntityDescriptor> tag in the idp-metadata.xml installation file. c. Audience: this is the Keycloak Client ID. The value can be found inside the <EntityDescriptor> tag as entityID in the sp-metadata.xml installation file. il2_00eb8904-5b88-4c68-ad67-cec0d2e07aa6_twistlock d. Console URL: This is the console URL of the Twistlock app. It is optional e. x509 certificate: This is the certificate from Keycloak. The value can be found inside the <dsig:X509Certificate> tag in the idp-metadata.xml installation file. The field must contain 3 lines with the begin and end certificate as show below. Do not leave any blank spaces at the beginning or ending of the 3 lines. If this is not followed exactly the SAML authentication will fail.

    (certificate from the install file)
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    f. When all fields in the web form are completed select โ€œSaveโ€.

note: after SAML is added, the twistlock console will default to the keycloak login page. If you need to bypass the saml auth process add #!/login the the end of the root url.

SAML Configuration

  1. Twistlock SSO does not create the users automatically. You must manually create the users before they can log in. Navigate to Manage -> Authentication in the left navigation bar. Select โ€œUsersโ€ in the drop down list. Click the Add User button to create a twistlock user with the same name as the Keycloak user name. There should be a SAML auth method button to select. If this selection is not visible, go to a different tab, then return to users.

User Add Create New SAML User

Integrating with OIDC๐Ÿ“œ

Within recent versions of 21.04 Twistlock added support for OIDC Authentication.

Integrating Prisma Cloud with OIDC consists of setting up a client within your IdP, then configuring Prisma Cloud to integrate with it. Here is the official OIDC documentation if needed.

Setting up Prisma Cloud in Keycloak

  1. These instructions assume that Keycloak is properly installed and configured with a realm other than master.

  2. In Keycloak select the realm

  3. On the left column, select โ€œClientsโ€, then click button Create.

  4. The client can be manually created. Or the example twistlock-oidc-client.json can be imported after clicking the Create button. Make any necessary changes and click Save button. Example settings:

Client ID: platform1_00eb8904-5b88-4c68-ad67-cec0d2e07aa6_bb8_twistlock-oidc Client Protocol: openid-connect

Settings TAB (accept defaults except for the following) Name: twistlock (Optional) Access Type confidential Standard Flow Enabled: ON Direct Access Grants Enabled: OFF Valid Redirect URIs:

  1. Click on Client Scopes tab and ensure profile is the only โ€œAssigned Default Client Scopeโ€ value.

  2. Create a test user in Keycloak for testing the Twistlock SSO authentication, and ensure they are part of the group matching the hash in the client_id eg: 00eb8904-5b88-4c68-ad67-cec0d2e07aa6.

Twistlock manual OIDC configuration๐Ÿ“œ

Within recent versions of 21.04 Twistlock added support for OIDC Authentication.

  1. Navigate to the Twistlock console URL. After installation you will be asked to create an admin user and enter license key.

  2. (Optional) Navigate to Manage -> Authentication in the left navigation bar. Select System Certificates (it might be in a drop down list if your browser is narrow). Enter the concatenated certificate and private key that matches your console domain. This is necessary so that the twistlock server can do TLS to Keycloak. When you click the Save button you will be logged out. You will have to log in again with the admin credentials.

  3. Navigate to Manage -> Authentication in the left navigation bar. Click on the Identity providers Tab & select OpenID connect (it might be in a drop down list if your browser is narrow). Then turn on the enable switch.

  4. Fill in the settings form. Example values are shown below. Use the values for your specific IdP.

OIDC Config

  1. (Optional) Within the X.509 certificate field paste in your PEM Certificate Authority. This will be required the IdP is using a Certificate that is not trusted by the system trust store.

  2. Twistlock SSO does not create the users automatically. You must manually create the users before they can log in. Navigate to Manage -> Authentication in the left navigation bar. Select โ€œUsersโ€ in the drop down list. Click the Add User button to create a twistlock user with the same name as the Keycloak user name. There will be an OpenID Connect auth method button to select. If this selection is not visible, go to a different tab, then return to users.

User Add Create New OIDC User