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Mimir Development and Maintenance Guide📜

To upgrade the Mimir Package📜

NOTE: Mimir Renovate updates differ from most other BigBang Renovate updates because Mimir uses a wrapper chart, rather than a fork of the upstream chart.

  1. Navigate to the upstream chart repo and folder and find the appropriate tag that corresponds with the latest chart version for this update. The tag should follow this format: mimir-distributed-x.x.x.
  2. Review the upstream release-notes for important changes and upgrade notices.

  3. git clone the Mimir repository from Repo1 and checkout the renovate/ironbank branch.

  4. Modify the chart version in ./chart/Chart.yaml and append -bb.0 (if missing or incorrect) to the chart version from upstream.

  5. Ensure the BB ./chart/Chart.yaml and the target upstream version Chart.yaml align correctly with the following:

  6. Check appVersion and in ./chart/Chart.yaml to make sure they match and have updated to the correct version
  7. Check the upstream chart dependencies and compare the dependency versions against the corresponding image tags in ./chart/values.yaml to make sure they match (Example described below):
    • For example; Ensure that the mimir-distributed.rollout_operator.image.tag matches the version: x.x.x under chart dependencies; you may need to visit the dependency upstream chart to confirm the image tag.
    • NOTE: Skip minio and grafana-agent-operator dependency checks as they are disabled (BB uses it’s own minio implementation)

NOTICE: The upgrade issue may be blocked under one or more of the following conditions: - You are trying to upgrade to a new image or image tag that does not yet exist in Ironbank. - To remediate; Ensure that an Ironbank issue exists that is tracking this upgrade or request. Link the Ironbank issue to your upgrade issue for tracking purposes. - You are trying to upgrade to a newer image tag in Ironbank, but is not yet supported or tested by upstream. - To remediate; Consider opening your own MR to upgrade upstream if the maintainers have not done so in a timely manner.

  1. Update the image tags in BB ./chart/values.yaml to match the target upstream version with their Ironbank equivalent for the following:
  2. mimir-distributed.image.tag
  3. mimir-distributed.memcached.image.tag
  4. mimir-distributed.rollout_operator.image.tag (rollout_operator tag comes from dependency chart, see previous step)
  5. mimir-distributed.nginx.image.tag
  6. mimir-distributed.gateway.nginx.image.tag

  7. Update the ./chart/Chart.yaml annotations to match the updated tags from previous step.

  8. Update dependencies and binaries using helm dependency update ./chart.

  9. If needed, log into registry1.

    # Note, if you are using Ubuntu on WSL and get an error about storing credentials or about how `The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not
    # provided by any .service files` when you run the command below, install the libsecret-1-dev and gnome-keyring packages. After doing this,
    # you'll be prompted to set a keyring password the first time you run this command.
    helm registry login -u ${registry1.username}
  10. Pull assets and commit the binaries as well as the Chart.lock file that was generated.

    # Note: You may need to resolve merge conflicts in chart/values.yaml before these commands work. Refer to the "Modifications made to upstream"
    # section below for hints on how to resolve them. Also, you need to be logged in to registry1 thorough docker.
    helm dependency update ./chart

    Then log out.

    helm registry logout
  11. Update ./ adding an entry for the new version and noting all changes in a list (at minimum should include - Updated <chart or dependency> to x.x.x).

  12. Generate the ./ updates by following the guide in gluon.

  13. Commit and push up your changes, add upgrade notices to the MR if applicable, validate that CI passes.

  14. If there are any failures, follow the information in the pipeline to make the necessary updates.
  15. Add the debug label to the MR for more detailed information.
  16. Reach out to the CODEOWNERS if needed.

  17. As part of your MR that modifies bigbang packages, you should modify the bigbang bigbang/tests/test-values.yaml against your branch for the CI/CD MR testing by enabling your packages.

  18. To do this, at a minimum, you will need to follow the instructions at bigbang/docs/developer/ with changes for Mimir enabled (the below is a reference, actual changes could be more depending on what changes where made to Mimir in the package MR).


    enabled: true
      tag: null
      branch: <my-package-branch-that-needs-testing>
          enabled: true
    ### Additional components of Mimir should be changed to reflect testing changes introduced in the package MR
  1. Follow the Testing new Mimir Version section of this document for manual testing.

Modifications made to upstream📜

Section not applicable as Mimir was implemented as a wrapper chart, changes to ./chart/values.yaml should not be lost when upgrading.

Testing new Mimir Version📜

NOTE: For these testing steps it is good to do them on both a clean install and an upgrade. For clean install, point Mimir to your branch. For an upgrade do an install with Mimir pointing to the latest tag, then perform a helm upgrade with Mimir pointing to your branch.

Deploy Mimir as a part of BigBang📜

You will want to install with: - Istio package enabled - Kyverno, kyvernoPolicies enabled - Grafana package enabled - Monitoring package enabled - Neuvector package disabled - Mimir addon package enabled

The following overrides file can be used for a bare minimum Mimir deployment:



  enabled: true

  interval: 1m
    cleanupOnFail: false

  enabled: true

  enabled: true

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
      client_id: platform1_a8604cc9-f5e9-4656-802d-d05624370245_bb8-grafana
      scopes: "openid Grafana"
      enabled: true

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
      client_id: platform1_a8604cc9-f5e9-4656-802d-d05624370245_bb8-prometheus
      client_id: platform1_a8604cc9-f5e9-4656-802d-d05624370245_bb8-alertmanager
      enabled: true

  enabled: false

    enabled: true
      tag: null
      branch: renovate/ironbank
  • Ensure all Pods are in a ready/working state
  • Validate Mimir pod logs are showing no errors
  • Validate Prometheus pod logs are showing no errors
  • Visit and login with admin user (Do not use SSO or you won’t have correct default permissions)
  • Navigate to Connections and then click on Data sources and confirm Mimir data source exists. Edit the Mimir data source config, then click on save to test connection. You should see a Prometheus API success message
  • Navigate to Dashboards and then click on Prometheus / Remote Write and validate that data is loaded
  • (OPTIONAL) To access Mimir Admin Console for various health checks run kubectl port-forward service/mimir-mimir-distributor -n mimir 8080:8080 then open a browser and navigate to localhost:8080