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Version: 1.27.0-bb.0 AppVersion: 8.17.3 Maintenance Track: bb_integrated

Configurable Deployment of Elasticsearch and Kibana Custom Resources Wrapped Inside a Helm Chart.

Upstream Release Notes📜

This chart has no upstream and is maintained entirely by the Big Bang team. It is (usually) updated any time new versions of elasticsearch and kibana are released upstream. The changelog for both can be found at the following places:

Learn More📜


  • Kubernetes Cluster deployed
  • Kubernetes config installed in ~/.kube/config
  • Helm installed

Install Helm


  • Clone down the repository
  • cd into directory
helm install elasticsearch-kibana chart/


Please see the values docs.


Please see the contributing guide if you are interested in contributing.

This file is programatically generated using helm-docs and some BigBang-specific templates. The gluon repository has instructions for regenerating package READMEs.