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How to upgrade the Authservice Package chartπŸ“œ

The Authservice chart is mostly custom, but a vague origin can be found here. That being said, updates to the chart resources are almost all custom, so the modifications to upstream section will be empty.

Most of the renovate work is going to be bumping the redis or authservice version in Chart.yaml.

  1. Checkout the renovate/ironbank branch.
  2. Find the latest redis chart version on harbor.
  3. Bump the version redis in chart/Chart.yaml at .dependencies["redis"].version. Renovate may have done this for you.
  4. Run a helm dependency command to update the chart/charts/*.tgz archives and create a new Chart.lock file. You will commit the tar archives along with the Chart.lock that was generated.

    helm dependency update ./chart
    1. If you haven’t authorized helm to access the Harbor registry, you can do so with helm registry login
    2. In chart/Chart.yaml update annotations.'' entries to to the new versions. Renovate might have already done this for you.
    3. Redis image on harbor.
    4. Authservice image on harbor.
    5. Note the .appversion, .version before the -bb.Y, and annotations.'["Authservice"]' should match annotations.''["authservice"].image after the ‘:’.

      version: X.X.X-bb.Y
      appVersion: X.X.X
      annotations: |
          - Authservice: X.X.X |
          - name: authservice
          - name: redis
            condition: redis.enabled
    6. In chart/values.yaml the image entry should match the chart/Chart.yaml annotations.''["authservice"].image.

        pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        # -- Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
        tag: "X.X.X"
  5. Update with an entry for “upgrade authservice to redis version X.X.X chart version X.X.X-bb.Y”. Or, whatever description is appropriate.

  6. Update the / following the gluon library script.
  7. Use a development environment to deploy and test Authservice. See more detailed testing instructions below. Also test an upgrade by deploying the old version first and then deploying the new version.
  8. Update the / again if you have made any additional changes during the upgrade/testing process.

Testing new Authservice versionπŸ“œ

Branch/Tag ConfigπŸ“œ

If you’d like to install from a specific branch or tag, then the code block under authservice needs to be uncommented and used to target your changes.

For example, this would target the renovate/ironbank branch.

    <other config/labels>

    # Add git branch or tag information to test against a specific branch or tag instead of using `main`
    # Must set the unused label to null
      tag: null
      branch: "renovate/ironbank"

Cluster setupπŸ“œ

⚠️ Always make sure your local bigbang repo is current before deploying.

  1. Export your Ironbank/Harbor credentials (this can be done in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file if desired). These specific variables are expected by the script when deploying metallb (part of the -a flag), and are referenced in other commands for consistency:

    export REGISTRY_USERNAME='<your_username>'
    export REGISTRY_PASSWORD='<your_password>'
  2. Export the path to your local bigbang repo (without a trailing /):

⚠️ Note that wrapping your file path in quotes when exporting will break expansion of ~.

export BIGBANG_REPO_DIR=<absolute_path_to_local_bigbang_repo>


export BIGBANG_REPO_DIR=~/repos/bigbang
  1. Run the script to deploy a dev cluster (-a flag required if deploying a local Keycloak):

    For Keycloak:


    For local Keycloak (-a deploys instance with a second public IP and metallb):

    "${BIGBANG_REPO_DIR}/docs/assets/scripts/developer/ -a"
  2. Export your kubeconfig:

    export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/<your_kubeconfig_file>


    export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/Christopher.Galloway-dev-config
  3. Deploy flux to your cluster:


Deploy BigbangπŸ“œ

⚠️ Note that testing against your local branch or tag is only possible if you edit the overrides file to point to your changes.

From the root of this repo, run one of the following deploy commands depending on which Keycloak you wish to reference:

For Keycloak:

helm upgrade -i bigbang ${BIGBANG_REPO_DIR}/chart/ -n bigbang --create-namespace \
--set registryCredentials.username=${REGISTRY_USERNAME} --set registryCredentials.password=${REGISTRY_PASSWORD} \
-f \
-f \
-f \
-f docs/dev-overrides/minimal.yaml \
-f docs/dev-overrides/authservice-testing.yaml

For local Keycloak:

helm upgrade -i bigbang ${BIGBANG_REPO_DIR}/chart/ -n bigbang --create-namespace \
--set registryCredentials.username=${REGISTRY_USERNAME} --set registryCredentials.password=${REGISTRY_PASSWORD} \
-f \
-f \
-f docs/dev-overrides/minimal.yaml \
-f docs/dev-overrides/authservice-testing-local-keycloak.yaml

This will deploy the following apps for testing (while disabling non-essential apps):

  • Istio, Istio operator and Authservice
  • Jaeger and Monitoring (specifically, Prometheus), with SSO enabled
  • Optionally Keycloak

Validation/Testing StepsπŸ“œ

  1. If you deployed with local keycloak enabled, login to as the default admin user and set up a user account that can log into monitoring. You can find basic keycloak admin instructions here. IMPORTANT: To perform the next testing step successfully you must:

  2. Create this account in the baby-yoda realm, not in the master realm.

  3. Add the user to the “Impact Level 2 Authorized” group.

  4. Navigate to Jaeger and validate that you are prompted to login with SSO and that the login is successful. This verifies that Authservice is working as an Istio extension.

  5. Navigate to Prometheus (also uses Authservice) and validate that you are prompted to login with SSO and that the login is successful.

  6. If you deployed with local keycloak enabled, make sure it’s and not

Files That Require Integration TestingπŸ“œ

  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/authservice-clusterrolebinding-openshift-scc.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/istio/authorizationPolicies/allow-any-to-auth-authz-policy.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/istio/authorizationPolicies/allow-intranamespace.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/istio/authorizationPolicies/shared-kiali-authz-policy.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/istio/authorizationPolicies/template.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/istio/jwksEndpointServiceEntry.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/istio/oidcHostServiceEntry.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/istio/peerAuthentication.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/istio/serviceEntry.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/istio/sidecar.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/network-attachment-definition.yaml
  • ./chart/templates/bigbang/networkpolicies/additional-networkpolicies.yaml

Instructions for Integration TestingπŸ“œ

See the Big Bang Doc


The mutating Kyverno policy named update-automountserviceaccounttokens is leveraged to harden all ServiceAccounts in this package with automountServiceAccountToken: false.

This policy revokes access to the K8s API for Pods utilizing said ServiceAccounts. If a Pod truly requires access to the K8s API (for app functionality), the Pod is added to the pods: array of the same mutating policy. This grants the Pod access to the API, and creates a Kyverno PolicyException to prevent an alert.

Modifications made to upstream chartπŸ“œ

This section has nothing in it because this chart is basically all custom.