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Troubleshooting GuideπŸ“œ

The argocd admin command can be utilized to simplify settings and troubleshoot connectivity issues.

See the install docs to see how to install it on your machine.

If you have issues using the argocd cli to query your cluster, be sure your kubeconfig is configured to talk to your cluster. The default location for Kubernetes to store the kubeconfig file is at $HOME/.kube/config. You could do this by:

export KUBECONFIG="<path-to-kubeconfig-file>"


Use the following command to validate settings configured in the argocd-cm configmap:

argocd admin settings validate \
    --load-cluster-settings=true \
    --namespace argocd

This should produce output similar to this:

INFO[0000] Starting configmap/secret informers          
INFO[0000] Configmap/secret informer synced             
βœ… accounts
1 accounts

βœ… general
SSO is not configured

βœ… kustomize

βœ… plugins
0 plugins

βœ… repositories
0 repositories
0 repository credentials

βœ… resource-overrides
1 resource overrides

Another way you can check the configuration in the argocd-cm configmap is by using kubectl:

kubectl get configmap argocd-cm --namespace argocd -o yaml

The key-value pairs under the .data field stores some basic configuration data for the argocd-server service:

apiVersion: v1
  admin.enabled: "true"
  exec.enabled: "false"
  kustomize.buildOptions: --enable-alpha-plugins
  server.rbac.log.enforce.enable: "false"
kind: ConfigMap

To learn more about where and how ArgoCD stores configuration data, see this doc.

ArgoCD Server TLSπŸ“œ

The argocd-server service is deployed by this helm chart.

This is the component that serves the API and UI of ArgoCD.

For this component to function properly in Big Bang, TLS must be disabled because TLS is terminated at the Istio ingress gateway before routing to the backend service. This results in a faulty redirect and the UI will be inaccessible.

As of this release, the TLS configuration for argocd-server is stored in the argocd-cmd-params-cm configmap using the server.insecure key. This should be set to server.insecure: "true".

More TroubleshootingπŸ“œ

See the troubleshooting guide