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The application Lab💣

In this lab you will deploy an application to your mesh.

  • The application consists of two microservices, web-frontend and customers.

??? info

    The official Istio docs canonical example is the [BookInfo application]({target=_blank}.

    For this workshop we felt that an application involving fewer microservices would be more clear.
  • The customers service exposes a REST endpoint that returns a list of customers in JSON format. The web-frontend calls customers to retrieve the list, which it uses to render to HTML.

  • The respective Docker images for these services have already been built and pushed to a Docker registry.

  • You will deploy the application to the default Kubernetes namespace.

But before proceeding, we must enable sidecar injection.

Enable automatic sidecar injection💣

There are two options for sidecar injection: automatic and manual.

In this lab we will use automatic injection, which involves labeling the namespace where the pods are to reside.

  1. Label the default namespace

    kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
  2. Verify that the label has been applied:

    kubectl get ns -Listio-injection

Deploy the application💣

  1. Study the two Kubernetes yaml files: web-frontend.yaml and customers.yaml.

??? tldr “web-frontend.yaml” yaml linenums="1" --8<-- "web-frontend.yaml"

??? tldr “customers.yaml” yaml linenums="1" --8<-- "customers.yaml"

Each file defines its corresponding deployment, service account, and ClusterIP service.

  1. Apply the two files to your Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl apply -f customers.yaml
kubectl apply -f web-frontend.yaml

Confirm that:

  • Two pods are running, one for each service
  • Each pod consists of two containers, the one running the service image, plus the Envoy sidecar
kubectl get pod

How did each pod end up with two containers?

Istio installs a Kubernetes object known as a mutating webhook admission controller: logic that intercepts Kubernetes object creation requests and that has the permission to alter (mutate) what ends up stored in etcd (the pod spec).

You can list the mutating webhooks in your Kubernetes cluster and confirm that the sidecar injector is present.

kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfigurations

Verify access to each service💣

We wish to deploy a pod that runs a curl image so we can verify that each service is reachable from within the cluster. The Istio distribution provides a sample app called sleep that will serve this purpose.

  1. Deploy sleep to the default namespace.

??? tldr “sleep.yaml” yaml linenums="1" --8<-- "sleep.yaml"

kubectl apply -f sleep.yaml
  1. Capture the name of the sleep pod to an environment variable
SLEEP_POD=$(kubectl get pod -l app=sleep -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
  1. Use the kubectl exec command to call the customers service.
kubectl exec $SLEEP_POD -it -- curl customers

The console output should show a list of customers in JSON format.

  1. Call the web-frontend service
kubectl exec $SLEEP_POD -it -- curl web-frontend | head

The console output should show the start of an HTML page listing customers in an HTML table.


Now that we understand how the control plane and data plane interact with each other, lets explore how can we expose our mesh to inbound traffic using an ingress controller.