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Introduction to Kyverno ReportingπŸ“œ


Policy Reporter makes the results of your Kyverno validation policies visible and observable. By default, Kyverno provides the option to create your validation policies in audit or enforce mode. While enforce will block applying a manifest that violate the given policy, audit will create a report that provides information about resources that pass or fail your policies. Note that for requests that are denied by admissions control because of policy violations in enforce mode, Kubernetes resources are not created. As such, Policy Reporter only captures the information for policies in audit mode. Because Policy Reports are Custom Resources you can access them with kubectl get/describe.

Policy Reporter provides also a standalone Dashboard to get a graphical overview of all results with filter and an optional Kyverno Plugin to get also information about your Kyverno policies.



Policy ReporterπŸ“œ

This is the core application and watches for PolicyReport and ClusterPolicyReport resources in the cluster. Policy Reporter uses internal listeners to react to incoming events and apply its logic to them.

  • MetricsListener (optional) creates metrics based on new, updated, and removed resources

  • StoreListener (optional) persists new resources and every change of an existing resource in an internal representation in the included SQLite database

  • ResultsListener checks each new and updated report for new results and publishes them to all registered PolicyResultListeners

  • SendResultListener is a PolicyResultListener and sends all new results to the configured targets

Policy Reporter Kyverno PluginπŸ“œ

This component watches for Kyverno (Cluster)Policy resources, like the Policy Reporter core application for (Cluster)PolicyReport resources. The collected data is transformed into a internal format and available over the embedded HTTP server as API endpoints.

This component is independent from the Policy Reporter core application and only consumed by the Policy Reporter UI.

Policy Reporter UIπŸ“œ

This component is an optional, standalone UI for information provided by the Policy Reporter core application (and Policy Reporter Kyverno Plugin). This server also proxies all requests made by the UI to the Policy Reporter API.

Kyverno PluginπŸ“œ

The Kyverno integration is an optional plugin. If enabled, it provides additional views about Kyverno policies. This information is provided by the Policy Reporter Kyverno Plugin which will also be proxied.


If you have already installed Big Bang with Kyverno, Kyverno Policies, and Monitoring enabled, you can run the following to install Kyverno Reporter through Flux:

# Clone this repo
git clone
cd kyverno-reporter

# Create namespace
kubectl create namespace kyverno-reporter

# Clone the Iron Bank pull secret from Big Bang
kubectl get secret private-registry --namespace=kyverno -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: .*/namespace: kyverno-reporter/' | kubectl apply -f -

# Deploy Reporter
helm upgrade --install --namespace kyverno-reporter bigbang-kyverno-reporter ./bigbang


Kyverno policy reports are Kubernetes resources that provide information about policy results, including violations. Kyverno creates policy reports for each Namespace and a single cluster-level report for cluster resources.

Result entries are added to reports during the audit when policies with validationFailureAction=audit are applied to resources. Otherwise, when in enforce mode, the resource is blocked immediately upon creation and therefore no entry is created since no offending resource exists. If the created resource violates multiple rules, there will be multiple entries in the reports for the same resource. Likewise, if a resource is deleted, it will be expunged from the report simultaneously.

There are two types of reports that get created and updated by Kyverno: a ClusterPolicyReport (for cluster-scoped resources) and a PolicyReport (for Namespaced resources). The contents of these reports are determined by the violating resources and not where the rule is stored. For example, if a rule is written which validates Ingress resources, because Ingress is a Namespaced resource, any violations will show up in a PolicyReport co-located in the same Namespace as the offending resource itself, regardless if that rule was written in a Policy or a ClusterPolicy.

Note that PolicyReport and ClusterPolicyReport CRDs get installed with basic kyverno package, kyverno-reporter only uses the PolicyReport and Cluster to show them in the UI. The rest of this document describes how to trigger the reports and visualize them in the UI that is provided by kyverno-reporter.

Example: Trigger a Policy ReportπŸ“œ

Create a Kyverno Policy to check resource requests and limitsπŸ“œ

kind: ClusterPolicy
  name: require-requests-limits
  annotations: Require Limits and Requests Best Practices medium Pod
  validationFailureAction: audit
  background: true
  - name: validate-resources
        - Pod
      message: "CPU and memory resource requests and limits are required."
          - resources:
                memory: "?*"
                cpu: "?*"
                memory: "?*"

Create a PodπŸ“œ

kubectl run nginx --image nginx

Get Policy ReportπŸ“œ

kubectl get polr

NAME              PASS   FAIL   WARN   ERROR   SKIP   AGE
polr-ns-default   1      1      0      0       0      4d10h

View Policy ReportπŸ“œ

kubectl get polr polr-ns-default -o=yaml

kind: PolicyReport
    managed-by: kyverno
  name: polr-ns-default
  namespace: default
- category: Best Practices
  message: 'validation error: CPU and memory resource requests and limits are required.
    Rule validate-resources failed at path /spec/containers/0/resources/requests/'
  policy: require-requests-limits
  - apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
    name: nginx
    namespace: default
    uid: fc8447fd-0078-48f2-9d49-4764369357b1
  result: fail
  rule: validate-resources
  scored: true
  severity: medium
  source: Kyverno
    nanos: 0
    seconds: 1650335041
  error: 0
  fail: 1
  pass: 1
  skip: 0
  warn: 0

Example: Trigger a Cluster Policy ReportπŸ“œ

A ClusterPolicyReport is the same concept as a PolicyReport only it contains resources which are cluster scoped rather than namespaced.

As an example, create the following sample ClusterPolicy containing a single rule which validates that all new Namespaces should contain the label called maintainer and have some value.

Create the PolicyπŸ“œ

kind: ClusterPolicy
  name: require-ns-labels
  validationFailureAction: audit
  background: true
  - name: check-for-labels-on-namespace
      - resources:
          - Namespace
      message: "The label `maintainer` is required."
            maintainer: "?*"

Get Cluster Policy ReportπŸ“œ

kubectl get cpolr
NAME                  PASS   FAIL   WARN   ERROR   SKIP   AGE
clusterpolicyreport   0      2      0      0       0      10s

Policy Reporter UIπŸ“œ

Access Policy Reporter at http://localhost:8080 via port forwarding:

kubectl -n policy-reporter port-forward service/policy-reporter-ui 8080:8080 
