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Code Changes for Updates/Renovates📜

NOTE: Updated kiali-operator images can be requested by creating an issue in the Iron Bank kiali-operator project

  1. Checkout renovate/ironbank branch

  2. Check upstream repo for chart updates

  3. Note that Iron Bank does not automatically update kiali-operator with Renovate. Verify that the version of the kiali image to which you’ll be updating and the kiali-operator version match (to do this look at how the MR will change the section in chart/Chart.yaml). If the kiali and kiali-operator image versions match, proceed to the next step about upgrading the chart with kpt. If they do not match, open an issue with Iron Bank here to have them update kiali-operator manually. If you have IL2 Mattermost access, it’s a good idea to ping them in the BB <-> IB channel to let them know you’ve opened this issue. See the “Important note on testing a new version of the kiali-operator image” subsection below for important details on the process of updating the kiali-operator image and testing Kiali with the new image.

Important note on testing a new version of the kiali-operator image:📜

Iron Bank will initially push the updated kiali-operator image to staging at a url such as:

Update the references to the kiali-operator in chart/Chart.yaml and chart/values.yaml to point to this image in staging, then continue to follow the steps below to finsih updating Kiali on your branch. When done updating your branch, deploy and test Kiali with the manual testing steps in the next section. Once the package pipeline passes and Kiali passes all the manual testing steps, let Iron Bank know that they can push the kiali-operator image to production. Once the kiali-operator image is in production, you’ll want to point to the production image by editing chart/Chart.yaml and chart/values.yaml again to point to the produciton image. For example:

You’ll also need to regenerate your Then confirm that the package pipeline passes with these changes and test again with the manual testing steps below before putting your MR in review status.

  1. From the root of the repo run, kpt pkg update chart@ –strategy alpha-git-patch. Use the version tag you got in step 2-3. You may be prompted to resolve some conflicts - choose what makes sense (if there are BB additions/changes keep them, if there are upstream additions/changes keep them).

  2. Modify the version in Chart.yaml - you will want to append -bb.0 to the chart version from upstream. update dependencies to latest BB gluon library version.

    helm dependency update ./chart

  3. Update adding an entry for the new version and noting all changes (at minimum should include Updated Kiali to x.x.x).

  4. Generate the updates by following the guide in gluon.

  5. Push up your changes, validate that CI passes. If there are any failures follow the information in the pipeline to make the necessary updates and reach out to the team if needed.

  6. Perform the steps below for manual testing. CI provides a good set of basic smoke tests but it is beneficial to run some additional checks.

Manual testing steps📜

  1. Browse to and log on through SSO. Alternatively if you are using anonymous access you can generate the token it asks for with kubectl -n kiali create token kiali-service-account.

  2. On the main menu, choose Overview and verify that the panels that appear populate and that there are no errors.

  3. Still on the main menu, choose Workloads, then kiali (if you see “no namespace is selected” here you may need to select the kiali namespace in the Select Namespaces drop-down menu). Click Inbound Metrics, then Outbound Metrics. Verify that graphs populate for at least some of the items in both.

Note: Sometimes it takes a while for the graphs to populate on the Inbound Metrics tab. Logging on to and clicking around for a while tends to speed this up.

  1. Click on Traces and verify that at least some traces appear on the graph.

Note: The notification bell on the upper right will be red and you will see error pop-ups near it as you move between screens if there are errors. Errors on individual application listings for labels, etc are expected and OK.


The mutating Kyverno policy named update-automountserviceaccounttokens is leveraged to harden all ServiceAccounts in this package with automountServiceAccountToken: false. This policy is configured by namespace in the Big Bang umbrella chart repository at chart/templates/kyverno-policies/values.yaml.

This policy revokes access to the K8s API for Pods utilizing said ServiceAccounts. If a Pod truly requires access to the K8s API (for app functionality), the Pod is added to the pods: array of the same mutating policy. This grants the Pod access to the API, and creates a Kyverno PolicyException to prevent an alert.

Modifications made to the upstream chart📜


  • Ensure renovate does not remove oidcCaCert key and associated comment. This corresponds to chart/templates/bigbang/oidc-ca-cm.yaml added in #52

Last update: 2024-05-13 by Stephen Galamb