To upgrade the Harbor Package📜
Check the upstream changelog and the upgrade notes.
Find the latest version of the harbor
image that matches the latest version in IronBank that Renovate has identified from here:
Run a KPT update against the main chart folder:
# To find the chart version for the command below:
# - Browse to the [upstream](
# - Click on the drop-down menu on the upper left, then on Tags.
# - Scroll through the tags until you get to the Helm chart version tags (e.g. v1.13.0, v1.12.4, etc.).
# - Starting with the most recent Helm chart version tag, open the Chart.yaml for the tag. If the appVersion value corresponds to the version of Loki that Renovate detected for an upgrade, this is the correct version. So, for example, if you will be updating to chart
# version v1.13.0, your kpt command would be:
kpt pkg update chart@v1.13.0 --strategy alpha-git-patch
kpt pkg update chart@${chart.version} --strategy alpha-git-patch
Update dependencies in chart.yml📜
helm dependency update ./chart
Update main chart📜
- update harbor
- Ensure Big Bang version suffix is appended to chart version
- Ensure dependencies gluon, postgresql, and redis are present and up to date
version: $VERSION-bb.0 dependencies: - name: postgresql version: $POSTGRESQL_VERSION repository: file://./deps/postgresql condition: postgresql.enabled - name: redis version: $REDIS_VERSION repository: oci:// condition: redis-bb.enabled alias: redis-bb - name: gluon version: $GLUON_VERSION repository: oci:// annotations: | - Harbor Core: $HARBOR_APP_VERSION
- Verify that Renovate updated the image tags in
- For example, if Renovate wants to update harbor-core to version v2.9.0, you should see:
core: image: repository: # -- Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart's appVersion tag: v2.9.0
- verify that image tag in is updated to match current version
Testing new harbor Version📜
Deploy harbor as part of BigBang in the local dev cluster📜
helm upgrade \
--install bigbang ./bigbang/chart \
--create-namespace \
--namespace bigbang \
--values ./bigbang/chart/values.yaml \
--values ./overrides/registry-values.yaml \
--values ./bigbang/chart/ingress-certs.yaml \
--set gatekeeper.enabled=false \
--set addons.harbor.enabled=true
and login
default credentials
username: admin
password: Harbor12345
From the CLI, run the following to test pushing/pulling from registry is working as expected
docker login
# Enter default credentials
docker pull alpine:latest alpine-latest.tar
docker push alpine-latest.tar
Last update:
2023-10-27 by Ryan Garcia