Fortify App💣
Pre Deployment Configuration💣
- How to create java keystore?
you need to create pkcs12 java keystore add certificate and key using openssl.
bash openssl pkcs12 -export -in <client-cert.pem> -inkey <client-key.pem> -out fortify-keystore.jks -name <Alias Name>
Validate certs in keystore
bash keytool -list -v -keystore fortify-keystore.jks
Post Install Configuration💣
Keycloak is avaliable to fortify
- Make sure you configurre valid redirect URL to
Make sure you configure valid logout URL
Keycloak relm metadata is avaliable from keycloack. to verify please try follow below steps
curl https://${KEYCLOAK_DNS}/auth/realms/${REALM_NAME}/protocol/saml
- with above command you should get a
response and also xml file with data to connec to IDP(Identity Provider(Keycloak))
Keystore password
- secret name ref:
- Name:
- Data:
Cerificate password
- secret name ref:
- Name:
- Data:
Post Configuration:
Login into fortify web UI using default user credentails
username/password: admin/admin
. It will promt you to update your password immediately. -
Complete login with new credentails
Now you need to setup SSO with SAML
Navigate to administration page and select configuration on left sidebar on the administration page.
Select SSO in the configuration section, It will show a drop down menu for SSO options.
From the drop down select SAML, by default most of the values are populated already.
set the keystore password and signing and encryption key.
Save the config.
Now go to argocd and kill the fortify pod.( Note: Just kill the pod to restart service and wait for approx:3 min).
Now try to access your fortify URL, it will redirect back to keycloak.