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Flux Integration💣

Following the steps in this guide will result in the integration job being run for Third Party and Sandbox pipelines.

If there’s a need to disable this job, add SKIP INTEGRATION to the title of the Merge Request.

Big Bang uses a continuous deployment tool, Flux to deploy packages using Helm charts sourced from Git (GitOps). This document will cover how to integrate a Helm chart, from a mission application or other package, into the Flux pattern required by Big Bang. Once complete, you will be able to deploy your package with Big Bang.


Throughout this document, we will be setting up an application called podinfo as a demonstration

Big Bang Helm Chart💣

The purpose of the Big Bang Helm chart is to create a Big Bang compatible, easy-to-use spec for deploying the package. Reasonable and safe defaults are provided and any needed secrets are auto-created. We accept the trade-off of easy deployment for complicated template code. Details are in the following steps.

gitrepository.yaml    # Flux GitRepository, configured by Big Bang chart values.
helmrelease.yaml      # Flux HelmRelease, configured by Big Bang chart values.
namespace.yaml        # Namespace creation and configuration
imagepullsecret.yaml  # Secret creation for image pull credentials
values.yaml           # Big Bang customization of the package and passthrough values.

Create a new Helm chart for Big Bang resources in the root of your Git repository:

# short name of the package
export PKGNAME=podinfo

# version of the package in semver format
export PKGVER=6.0.0

# Make directory structure
mkdir -p bigbang/templates/$PKGNAME

# Create values file
touch bigbang/values.yaml

# Copy helpers from Big Bang
curl -sL -o bigbang/templates/_helpers.tpl

# Create chart file
cat << EOF >> bigbang/Chart.yaml
apiVersion: v2
name: bigbang-$PKGNAME
description: BigBang compatible Helm chart for $PKGNAME
type: application
version: 0.1.0
appVersion: "$PKGVER"


The package will be deployed in its own namespace. BigBang pre-creates this namespace so that labels and annotations can be controlled. Setup bigbang/templates/$PKGNAME/namespace.yaml with the following:

{{- $pkg := "podinfo" }}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).enabled }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: {{ $pkg }}
  labels: {{ $pkg }}
    {{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
{{- end }}

In order for the namespace Helm template to be properly created, the following values need to be added to bigbang/values.yaml:

# Identifies if our package should be deployed or ignored
  enabled: true

Flux Custom Resources💣


Flux’s source controller uses the GitRepository resource to pull Helm chart changes from Git. Use the GitRepository API Specification to create a GitRepository resource named bigbang/templates/$PKGNAME/gitrepository.yaml with the following content:

{{- $pkg := "podinfo" }}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).enabled }}
kind: GitRepository
  name: {{ $pkg }}
  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
  labels: {{ $pkg }}
    {{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
  interval: {{ .Values.flux.interval }}
  url: {{ (get .Values $pkg).git.repo }}
    {{- include "validRef" (get .Values $pkg).git | nindent 4 }}
  {{ include "gitIgnore" . }}
  {{- include "gitCreds" . | nindent 2 }}
{{- end }}

The GitRepository Helm template above requires the following values to be added to bigbang/values.yaml:

  # The Git location of the package Helm chart
    branch: master

If you are working on a branch, change master to the branch you are working from in the values above.


Big Bang exclusively uses Helm charts for deployment through Flux. Using the HelmRelease API Specification, create a HelmRelease resource named bigbang/templates/$PKGNAME/helmrelease.yaml with the following content:

{{- $pkg := "podinfo" }}
{{- $fluxSettings := merge (get .Values $pkg).flux .Values.flux -}}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).enabled }}
kind: HelmRelease
  name: {{ $pkg }}
  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
  labels: {{ $pkg }}
    {{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
  targetNamespace: {{ $pkg }}
      chart: {{ (get .Values $pkg).git.path }}
      interval: 5m
        kind: GitRepository
        name: {{ $pkg }}
        namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}

  {{- toYaml $fluxSettings | nindent 2 }}

  {{- if (get .Values $pkg).postRenderers }}
  {{ toYaml (get .Values $pkg).postRenderers | nindent 4 }}
  {{- end }}
    - name: {{ .Release.Name }}-{{ $pkg }}-values
      kind: Secret
      valuesKey: "common"
    - name: {{ .Release.Name }}-{{ $pkg }}-values
      kind: Secret
      valuesKey: "defaults"
    - name: {{ .Release.Name }}-{{ $pkg }}-values
      kind: Secret
      valuesKey: "overlays"
{{- end }}

The following values need to be added into bigbang/values.yaml for HelmRelease:

  # Directory in git where Helm chart is located
    path: chart
  # Flux specific settings for package
  flux: {}


Big Bang images are pulled from Iron Bank. In order to provide credentials for Iron Bank, Big Bang will create a secret for each package called private-registry. In bigbang/templates/$PKGNAME/imagepullsecret.yaml, add the following content:

{{- $pkg := "podinfo" }}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).enabled }}
{{- if ( include "imagePullSecret" . ) }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: private-registry
  namespace: {{ $pkg }}
  labels: {{ $pkg }}
    {{- include "commonLabels" . | nindent 4}}
  .dockerconfigjson: {{ template "imagePullSecret" . }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}

Other secrets can be added for credentials, certificates, etc. by creating a file named bigbang/templates/$PKGNAME/secret-<name>.yaml. Big Bang is responsible for creating these secrets using values from the user. More details are included in the integration documentation for databases, object stores, sso, etc.

Package Values💣

Package values (chart/values.yaml) should contain upstream values plus any placeholders of values needed for Big Bang.The following guidelines should be used when adding values to the package:

  • Assume the package will be run without Big Bang. Values enabling features from other packages (e.g. metrics, ingress, SSO) should be turned off by default. Big Bang will enable them through overrides.
  • Re-use existing chart values rather than adding new ones when possible.
  • Only change the default values from the upstream Helm chart when necessary.
  • Comment any changes made to the upstream Helm values so it is clear that the changes should carry forward on upgrades.
  • Assume that Big Bang will create secrets (e.g. TLS certificates, credentials) and provide the reference to the chart.
  • Create blank placeholders for Big Bang values to avoid Helm errors during deployment.

Override Values💣

Big Bang has a few options for overwriting values in packages. The package’s HelmRelease, that we created earlier, contains a ValuesFrom section that references a secret with common, default, and overlay keys. Each of these keys can contain a set of override values that get passed down to the package. Here is a table explaining the difference between the possible overlays:

Name Description Source Priority
overlay Values provided by user when deploying Big Bang bigbang/values.yaml:$PKGNAME.values.* Highest 1
default Values created by Big Bang bigbang/templates/$PKGNAME/values.yaml:* 2
common Big Bang values common to all packages Not currently used 3
package Package defaults chart/values.yaml:* Lowest 4

This means that if a user provides a value for the package, that overwrites the value Big Bang or the package would create.

For the package to implement this hierarchy, bigbang/templates/$PKGNAME/values.yaml must be created with the following:

{{- $pkg := "podinfo" }}
{{- define "bigbang.defaults.podinfo" -}}

{{- end }}

{{- /* Create secret */ -}}
{{- if (get .Values $pkg).enabled }}
{{- include "values-secret" (dict "root" $ "package" (get .Values $pkg) "name" $pkg "defaults" (include (printf "bigbang.defaults.%s" $pkg) .)) }}
{{- end }}

Check Syntax💣

At this point, you should have a minimum viable set of values in bigbang/values.yaml that looks like this:

  enabled: true
    branch: bigbang
    path: chart
  flux: {}

Use the Big Bang default values to make sure our Helm templates don’t have any syntax errors. Run the following:

# Get the helm chart
git clone ~/bigbang

# Check that our chart generates without errors
# We want our local values to override the big bang defaults, so we need to specify both
helm template -n bigbang -f ~/bigbang/chart/values.yaml -f bigbang/values.yaml bigbang-podinfo bigbang


To validate that the Helm chart is working, perform the following steps to deploy your package. This assumes you already have a Kubernetes cluster running.

  1. Disable all packages that are enabled by default in Big Bang by adding the following to bigbang/values.yaml

    # Network Policies
      enabled: false
    # Istio
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
    # Gatekeeper
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
    # Logging
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
    # Monitoring
      enabled: false
    # Other Tools
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
  2. To enable Big Bang packages that are disabled by default, add the appropriate code block for the Big Bang package from the Big Bang helm chart values file.

    • For example, if you want to test a package’s functionality with MinIO, you would add this block from the Big Bang helm chart values file to the package repo’s bigbang/values.yaml file
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
    • This would deploy MinIO in the integration stage with default configurations

    • Any values that are present in the Big Bang helm chart values file can be configured here also. The pipeline merges these two files into a single values file before deployment, so the package repo’s bigbang/values.yaml provides a way to configure a Third Party or Sandbox package along with Big Bang package configurations in a single values file.

    • A tests/test-values.yaml in a package repo can be used as override values for the pipeline. It allows pipeline-specific configurations so that the package’s chart/values.yaml doesn’t have to be changed.

  3. Install flux using the instructions from Big Bang.

  4. Install the package using the bigbang Helm chart

    helm upgrade -i -n bigbang --create-namespace -f ~/bigbang/chart/values.yaml -f bigbang/values.yaml bigbang-podinfo bigbang
  5. Watch the GitRepository, HelmRelease, and Pods:

    watch kubectl get gitrepo,hr,po -A
  6. Troubleshoot any errors

    kubectl get events -A

    If you are using a private Git repository or pulling images from a private image repository, you will need to add credentials into the git.credentials.username/git.credentials.password and/or registryCredentials.username/registryCredentials.password using the --set option for Helm.

  7. Cleanup cluster

    helm delete -n bigbang bigbang-podinfo
  8. Add the following to bigbang/ to document this Helm charts usage:

    # Big Bang compatible Helm chart
    This helm chart deploys the application using the same methods and values as Big Bang.
    ## Prerequisites
    - Kubernetes cluster matching [Big Bang's Prerequisites](
    - [FluxCD]( running in the cluster
    - The [Big Bang git repository]( cloned into `~/bigbang`
    - [Helm](
    ## Usage
    ### Installation
    1. Install Big Bang
    `helm upgrade -i -n bigbang --create-namespace -f ~/bigbang/chart/values.yaml -f bigbang/values.yaml bigbang ~/bigbang/chart`
    1. Install this chart
    `helm upgrade -i -n bigbang --create-namespace -f ~/bigbang/chart/values.yaml -f bigbang/values.yaml bigbang-podinfo bigbang`
    ### Removal
    `helm delete -n bigbang bigbang-podinfo`
  9. Commit your changes

    If you are developing something different than podinfo, run grep -ir podinfo to make sure your replaced all of the instances with your application name.

    git add -A
    git commit -m "feat: added bigbang helm chart"
    git push

Last update: 2023-10-02 by Christopher O'Connell