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Software Installation and Verification Commands to run from Bash💣


The purpose of running these commands is to confirm that the CLI tool has been properly installed. The versions in the output of these commands don’t actually matter.

Note sometimes this lab guide tells users to update their ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file💣

# bash is the default shell, but Users who have tinkered with their system 
# long ago and forgot about it might be using zsh
echo $SHELL
# will tell you if you use bash or zsh

Recommendation/Note for Mac users of Bash💣

# Mac defaults to an ancient version of bash, try the following to update
brew install bash

# In some versions of Mac the ~/.bashrc file doesn't exists or acts werid by default
# werid as in some case ~/.bash_profile is used, other cases ~/.bashrc is used
# the following makes it so ~/.bashrc is the main file, which improves consistency
touch ~/.bashrc   # create if doesn't exist 
echo 'source ~/.bashrc' >> ~/.bash_profile    # makes ~/.bashrc the primary config file
source ~/.bashrc    # makes the current session consistent with newly opened sessions


Check if / Verify that curl is installed💣

# [admin@Laptop:~]
curl --version

Install curl (if needed)💣

  • Ubuntu 21.04 doesn’t ship with curl installed by default
    # [admin@Laptop:~]
    sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install curl -y


Install sshuttle (Linux):💣

# [admin@Linux:~]
# Verify pip is installed (pip = "pip installs packages", pip3 = pip associated with python3)
pip3 --version

# If you see "pip: command not found", then run one of the following
# Ubuntu Users:
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install python3-pip -y
# Centos 8 Users: 
sudo dnf update -y && sudo dnf install python3-pip -y

# Use pip to install sshuttle
pip3 install sshuttle

Install sshuttle (Mac):💣

# [admin@Mac:~]
brew install sshuttle

Verify sshuttle is installed💣

sshuttle --version
# 1.0.3 (or higher)

sshuttle troubleshooting💣

  • On some versions of Linux, you may receive an invalid syntax error upon trying sshuttle --version. If this happens, you need to ensure that sshuttle is using python3 instead of python2. Replace it to fix this error.
sudo vi /usr/bin/sshuttle

sshuttle --version
# 1.0.3 (or higher)


Check if / Verify that kubectl is installed💣


Note: Docker Desktop & Rancher Desktop will often auto install kubectl, so mac users may find that it’s preinstalled

kubectl version --client
# Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"23", GitVersion:"v1.23.2", GitCommit:"9d142434e3af351a628bffee3939e64c681afa4d", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-01-19T17:35:46Z", GoVersion:"go1.17.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}

Install kubectl (Linux):💣

Note: Instead of the version in the wget command below, install the latest stable version. You can find it at

wget -q -P  /tmp
sudo chmod +x /tmp/kubectl
sudo mv /tmp/kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/kubectl /usr/local/bin/k  #equivalent to alias k=kubectl

Install kubectl (Mac):💣

Note: Instead of the version in the wget command below, install the latest stable version. You can find it at

brew install kubectl  # likely pre-installed if you've already installed docker.


Check if / Verify that kustomize is installed:💣

kustomize version
# {Version:kustomize/v4.5.2 GitCommit:7439f1809e5ccd4677ed52be7f98f2ad75122a93 BuildDate:2020-12-30T00:43:15+00:00 GoOs:darwin GoArch:amd64}

Install kustomize (Linux):💣


DO NOT INSTALL kustomize via Ubuntu’s snap install (snap’s kustomization has been broken for many months, use the below method)

# [admin@Laptop:~]
curl -s "" | bash 
chmod +x kustomize
sudo mv kustomize /usr/bin/kustomize

Install kustomize (Mac):💣

# [admin@Laptop:~]
brew install kustomize
brew upgrade kustomize # If you think you have an old version


Check if / Verify that git is installed:💣

git version
# git version 2.30.1 (Apple Git-122.3)

Install git (Centos 8):💣

sudo dnf install git -y

Install git (Ubuntu):💣

sudo apt install git -y

Install git (Mac):💣

brew install git


Verify Terraform is installed:💣

terraform version
# Terraform v1.0.3 or higher

Install Terraform (Ubuntu):💣

Note: Instead of the version in the wget command below, install the latest stable version. You can find it at

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install unzip -y && unzip && sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/ && rm

Install Terraform (Centos 8):💣

Note: Instead of the version in the wget command below, install the latest stable version. You can find it at

sudo yum update -y && sudo yum install unzip -y && unzip && sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/ && rm

Install Terraform (Mac):💣

Note: Instead of the version in the wget command below, install the latest stable version. You can find it at

brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
brew update
brew upgrade hashicorp/tap/terraform


Install Docker Part 1 of 2 (Linux):💣

# [admin@Laptop:~]
curl -fsSL | bash
# After install complete part 2 of docker install

Install Docker Part 1 of 2 (Mac):💣

Mac Users: Docker Desktop for Mac install link can be found here

Note: Docker-Desktop now requires a license in some cases, Rancher Desktop defaults to containerd/nerdctl, but also has a docker mode that leverages a QEMU VM and a FOSS tool called Moby, it’s a close enough free alternative to Docker-Desktop that can do 90% of what Docker-Desktop can do.

For those who are curious, Rancher Desktop 1.0.1’s limitations: * Doesn’t offer an easy way to disable the kubernetes cluster it ships with like docker desktop does. * Doesn’t have the ability to edit docker config (/etc/docker/daemon.json) file in the GUI. (This is an advanced use case that people rarely need to use.)

After installing docker complete part 2 of docker install

Install Docker Part 2 of 2:💣

  1. Notice that by default docker will only work when run as root

    # Note installing docker isn't enough, by default docker only works for the root user
    # You need to configure docker to work for non-root user as well.
    # Note: Centos 8 users will need to add the following 2 lines
    sudo systemctl enable docker #enable = autostart the service on reboot
    sudo systemctl start docker  #start = start the service now
    # The below commands are generic to Mac/Linux
    docker run hello-world
    # docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.35/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied.See 'docker run --help'.
    # If you see something like this, you haven't finished installing docker
    # / missed some required configuration
    # If you installed docker using snap, try uninstalling it and then using the recommended way to install docker.
    # If it works you're good to move on.
    sudo docker run hello-world
    # If docker only works when you use sudo, further configuration is needed.
    # Basically you need to add your non-root user to the docker group.

  2. Add User to docker group (Linux Instructions)

    sudo groupadd docker
    sudo usermod --append --groups docker $USER

  3. Log out and Log back in (There are other methods but this is the one that works 100% of the time)

  4. Do not skip this step of logging out and logging back in.


There are other methods like ‘newgrp docker’ command, but those only work for 1 terminal. In some cases, you can get away with closing all opened terminal then opening a new terminal instead of logging out and back in, but there are edge cases were the only thing that works is a full log out and re login.

If it doesn’t it’s because unix security makes it so a process can’t gain any more rights (like a group assignment to docker), than what it started with. the newgrp docker command, is supposed to start a new process within the terminal which causes your user being added to the docker group to be recognized and non-root docker commands to start to work.

Verify Docker is correctly installed:💣

docker run hello-world
# docker should now work as a non-root user now / not throw an error message
# If docker doesn't work. Log out and Log back in.
# When you log back in your non-root user will be properly recognized as being
# In the docker group and the command should work.


Install AWS CLI (Linux):💣

# [admin@Linux:~]
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
rm -rf aws

Install AWS CLI (Mac):💣

# [admin@Mac:~]
curl "" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg"
sudo installer -pkg AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /
rm AWSCLIV2.pkg

Verify AWS CLI is installed:💣

aws --version
# aws-cli/2.4.20 Python/3.8.8 Darwin/20.6.0 exe/x86_64 prompt/off
# NOTE: for aws cli version 1.x or 2.x either is fine

Flux CLI💣

Install Flux CLI (Linux):💣

Note: Instead of the version in the wget command below, install the latest stable version. You can find it at

# curl -s -L | sudo bash
wget -q -O - > flux.tar.gz
tar -xvf flux.tar.gz
sudo mv ./flux /usr/local/bin/flux
rm flux.tar.gz

Install Flux CLI (Mac):💣

Note: Instead of the version in the wget command below, install the latest stable version. You can find it at

wget -q -O - > flux.tar.gz
tar -xvf flux.tar.gz
sudo mv ./flux /usr/local/bin/flux
rm flux.tar.gz

Verify Flux is installed💣

flux --version
# flux version 0.27.2


Install sops CLI (Linux):💣

Note: Instead of the version in the curl command below, install the latest stable version. You can find it at

curl -L > sops
chmod +x sops
sudo mv sops /usr/bin/sops

Install sops CLI (Mac):💣

Note: Instead of the version in the curl command below, install the latest stable version. You can find it at

curl -L > sops
chmod +x sops
mv sops /usr/local/bin/sops

Verify sops is installed💣

# [admin@Laptop:~]
sops -v
# sops 3.7.2  (latest)

GPG: (GNU Privacy Guard)💣

* sops can leverage CSP(Cloud Service Provider) KMSs(Key Management Services). * CSP KMS backed with AES 256 bit symmetric encryption is the gold standard / most secure option. * In scenarios where CSP KMS isn’t an option, sops can also leverage GPG & AGE
(these are cloud agnostic options that work for air gap deployments) * For DoD activities, it’s recommended to use GPG over AGE, because GPG’s RSA keypairs and SHA256 are NIST approved.
(Both options are secure; however, AGE’s Curve25519 key pairs, and Chacha20 symmetric encyrption with Poly1305 aren’t NIST approved.)

Install GPG (Mac):💣

# [admin@Mac:~]
brew install gnupg
gpg --version
# gpg (GnuPG) 2.3.4
# (Note: by default gpg 2.3.x generated keys aren't compatible with gpg 2.0.x - 2.2.x
# ;however, the lab guide includes workaround flags to make the generated keys compatible)

Install GPG (Linux):💣

# [admin@Linux:~]
# (all Linux Distros ship with GPG pre-installed, verify with the following)
gpg --version


Text Editor Note for Linux Users:💣

Immediately upon installing Sublime Text and VS Code
The following 2 commands will work to open the editor from the cli
Bash# code
Bash# subl
(The idea is that whenever you see vi ~/file_to_edit, you’ll be able to replace vi with your preferred editor)


If you like vi but it’s “acting funny” (example arrow keys trigger characters, then try adding the the following)

cat > ~/.vimrc <<EOF
set nocompatible
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" Doublequote is vim's way of comments
" nocomatible makes arrow keys work, (in edge cases where they don't work how you'd expect them to)
" backspace makes backspace and delete keys work, (in edge cases where they don't work how you'd expect them to)
sudo cp ~/.vimrc /root/.vimrc

# The above creates the following 2 files
cat /home/$USER/.vimrc
sudo cat /root/.vimrc

Text Editor Note for Mac Users:💣

Upon installing Sublime Text and VS Code
You won’t be able to launch the editors from the CLI until the following additional commands are added

sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime" /usr/local/bin/subl
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio"' >> ~/.bashrc
tail ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Text Editor Recommendation for Linux / Mac Users:💣

echo 'export EDITOR="subl --wait"' >> ~/.bashrc
tail ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
# This will update the default text editor to use sublime text
# Note if you use zshell change ~/.bashrc to ~/.zshrc
# If you prefer VS Code to Sublime Text you can replace subl with code in the above command
# That being said, it's worth noting that subl opens instantly and has yaml syntax highlighting baked in.

Local Utilities💣


jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.


