Release Notes - 2.1.0π£
Please see our documentation page for more information on how to consume and deploy BigBang. This release was primarily tested on Kubernetes 1.26.3 (RKE2).
Upgrade Noticesπ£
- Anchore’s chart made several changes to the way DB host/ports are passed in this release
- If using Big Bang’s abstracted
values this change will be handled for you - If using direct values or an existing secret config review these notes for the changes you will need to make
Upgrades from previous releasesπ£
If coming from a version pre-2.0.1
, note the additional upgrade notices in any release in between. The BB team doesn’t test/guarantee upgrades from anything pre-2.0.1
Package | Type | Package Version | BB Version |
Istio Controlplane | Core | Istio 1.17.2 Tetrate Istio Distro 1.16.1 |
1.17.2-bb.0 |
Istio Operator | Core | Istio Operator 1.17.2 Tetrate Istio Distro Operator 1.16.1 |
1.17.2-bb.0 |
Jaeger | Core | 1.43.0 |
2.42.0-bb.0 |
Kiali | Core | 1.66.0 |
1.66.0-bb.0 |
Cluster Auditor | Core | 0.0.7 |
1.5.0-bb.2 |
Gatekeeper | Core | 3.11.0 |
3.11.0-bb.3 |
Kyverno | Core | 1.8.5 |
2.6.5-bb.3 |
Core | 1.1.0 |
1.1.0-bb.6 π |
Kyverno Reporter | Core | 2.10.4 |
2.16.0-bb.1 |
Elasticsearch Kibana | Core | Kibana 8.6.1 Elasticsearch 8.6.0 |
1.2.0-bb.0 |
Eck Operator | Core | 2.7.0 |
2.7.0-bb.0 |
Fluentbit | Core | 2.0.11 |
0.27.0-bb.0 |
Core | 2.8.0 |
6.10.0-bb.1 π |
Core | 2.8.0 |
5.0.0-bb.2 π |
Neuvector | Core | 5.1.2 |
2.4.3-bb.0 |
Tempo | Core | Tempo 2.0.1 Tempo Query 2.0.1 |
1.0.2-bb.0 |
Monitoring | Core | Prometheus 2.40.5 Grafana 9.3.2 Alertmanager 0.24.0 |
43.1.2-bb.4 |
Twistlock | Core | 22.12.415 |
0.12.0-bb.0 |
Wrapper | Core | N / A | 0.4.1 |
Argocd | Addon | 2.6.7 |
5.28.0-bb.0 |
Addon | 0.5.3 |
0.5.3-bb.7 π |
Minio Operator | Addon | 4.5.8 |
4.5.8-bb.1 |
Minio | Addon | RELEASE.2023-01-31T02-24-19Z |
4.5.8-bb.0 |
Addon | 15.10.2 |
6.10.2-bb.0 π |
Gitlab Runner | Addon | 15.10.0 |
0.51.0-bb.1 |
Nexus | Addon | 3.47.1-01 |
47.1.0-bb.0 |
Sonarqube | Addon | 9.9.0-community |
8.0.0-bb.1 |
Haproxy | Addon | 2.2.21 |
1.12.0-bb.0 |
Addon | Enterprise 4.6.0 Engine 1.1.0 |
1.24.1-bb.3 π |
Mattermost Operator | Addon | 1.20.0 |
1.20.0-bb.0 |
Mattermost | Addon | 7.9.1 |
7.9.1-bb.0 |
Addon | 1.10.2 |
3.1.5-bb.1 π |
Keycloak | Addon | 21.0.2 |
18.4.0-bb.2 |
Vault | Addon | 1.12.5 |
0.23.0-bb.4 |
Addon | 0.6.3 |
3.9.0-bb.1 π |
Changes in 2.1.0π£
Big Bang MRsπ£
- !2708: Add in default values for kiali to enable the autoscaler
- !2689: add support for Gitlab rails secret creation SKIP CHECK CHANGES SKIP UPGRADE
- !2694: add core values file for testing helmRepos/oci
Kyverno Policiesπ£
- !2722: kyvernoPolicies update to 1.1.0-bb.6
# Changelog Updates
## [1.1.0-bb.6] - 2023-04-15
### Changed
- ironbank/opensource/kubernetes/kubectl updated from v1.26.3 to v1.26.4
- !2705: promtail update to 6.10.0-bb.1
# Changelog Updates
## [6.10.0-bb.1]
### Changed
- Bumped appversion to 2.8.0
- !2697: loki update to 5.0.0-bb.1
# Changelog Updates
## [5.0.0-bb.2] - 2022-04-19
### Added
- Added `fluentbit` network policy
- Added conditional for `fluentbit` and `promtail` network policies
## [5.0.0-bb.1] - 2022-04-19
### Changed
- Updated kubectl versson from 1.26.3 to 1.26.4
- !2710: authservice update to 0.5.3-bb.7
# Changelog Updates
## [0.5.3-bb.7]
### Changed
- skip_verify_peer_cert fixed to also work with the token endpoint and chain jwks_uri calls.
- !2715: Updating production config document with new gitlab railsSecret key
- !2716: gitlab update to 6.10.2-bb.0
# Changelog Updates
## [6.10.2-bb.0] - 2023-04-25
### Changed
- ironbank/gitlab/gitlab/gitlab-webservice patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
- patch 15.10.0 -> 15.10.2
Anchore Enterpriseπ£
- !2711: anchore update to 1.24.1-bb.0
# Changelog Updates
## [1.24.1-bb.3]
### Fixed
- Fixed DB job secrets
## [1.24.1-bb.2]
### Fixed
- Fixed DB job secrets with encoding
## [1.24.1-bb.1]
### Fixed
- Fixed DB job secrets for new syntax
## [1.24.1-bb.0]
### Changed
- Bumped chart version to `1.24.1`
- Bumped Anchore Enterprise image tag to `4.6.0`
- Bumped Anchore Enterprise UI image tag to `4.6.0`
# Changelog Updates
## [3.1.5-bb.1]
### Changed
- patch v1.26.3 -> v1.26.4
Metrics Serverπ£
- !2719: metricsServer update to 3.9.0-bb.1
# Changelog Updates
## [3.9.0-bb.1]
### Added
- Update patch version of addon-resizer v1.8.14 -> 1.8.18
- Update patch version of kubectl v1.26.3 -> 1.26.4
Known Issuesπ£
- On some k8s distros certain components in the kube-system namespace are unable to be scraped by Prometheus due to the services default network interface binding - More Information
Helpful Linksπ£
As always, we welcome and appreciate feedback from our community of users. Please feel free to:
- Open issues here
- Join our chat
- Check out the documentation for guidance on how to get started
Don’t see your feature and/or bug fix? Check out our epics for estimates on when you can expect things to drop, and as always, feel free to comment or create issues if you have questions, comments, or concerns.