Release Notes - 1.55.0💣
Please see our documentation page for more information on how to consume and deploy BigBang.
Upgrade Notices💣
- The keycloak plugin have been refactored as of plugin version
. For the custom routing/redirects to work properly you should update your Big Bang values override configuration to match the Keycloak production example config
Upgrades from previous releases💣
If coming from a version pre-1.54.0
, note the additional upgrade notices in any release in between. The BB team doesn’t test/guarantee upgrades from anything pre-1.54.0
Package | Type | Package Version | BB Version |
Istio Controlplane | Core | Istio 1.16.2 Tetrate Istio Distro 1.16.1 |
1.16.2-bb.0 |
Istio Operator | Core | Istio Operator 1.16.2 Tetrate Istio Distro Operator 1.16.1 |
1.16.2-bb.0 |
Jaeger | Core | 1.41.0 |
2.38.0-bb.1 |
Core | 1.64.0 |
1.64.0-bb.0 🔗 |
Cluster Auditor | Core | 0.0.7 |
1.5.0-bb.2 |
Core | 3.11.0 |
3.11.0-bb.1 🔗 |
Kyverno | Core | 1.8.5 |
2.6.5-bb.2 |
Kyverno Policies | Core | 1.1.0 |
1.1.0-bb.2 |
Kyverno Reporter | Core | 2.10.4 |
2.16.0-bb.0 |
Core | Kibana 8.6.1 Elasticsearch 8.6.0 |
1.1.0-bb.1 🔗 |
Eck Operator | Core | 2.6.1 |
2.6.1-bb.0 |
Fluentbit | Core | 2.0.9 |
0.24.0-bb.0 |
Promtail | Core | 2.7.1 |
6.8.1-bb.1 |
Core | 2.7.3 |
4.4.2-bb.2 🔗 |
Core | 5.1.1 |
2.4.2-bb.0 🔗 |
Core | Tempo 2.0.0 Tempo Query 2.0.0 |
1.0.0-bb.3 🔗 |
Core | Prometheus 2.40.5 Grafana 9.3.2 Alertmanager 0.24.0 |
43.1.2-bb.3 🔗 |
Twistlock | Core | 22.06.197 |
0.11.4-bb.3 |
Addon | 2.6.1 |
5.22.1-bb.0 🔗 |
Addon | 0.5.3 |
0.5.3-bb.5 🔗 |
Minio Operator | Addon | 4.5.4 |
4.5.4-bb.0 |
Minio | Addon | RELEASE.2022-11-26T22-43-32Z |
4.5.4-bb.3 |
Gitlab | Addon | 15.8.2 |
6.8.2-bb.0 |
Addon | 15.8.1 |
0.49.1-bb.0 🔗 |
Addon | 3.47.1-01 |
47.1.0-bb.0 🔗 |
Addon | 9.9.0-community |
8.0.0-bb.1 🔗 |
Haproxy | Addon | 2.2.21 |
1.12.0-bb.0 |
Anchore Enterprise | Addon | Enterprise 4.4.1 Engine 1.1.0 |
1.22.3-bb.0 |
Mattermost Operator | Addon | 1.19.0 |
1.19.0-bb.0 |
Addon | 7.8.0 |
7.8.0-bb.0 🔗 |
Addon | 1.10.1 |
3.1.2-bb.1 🔗 |
Addon | 20.0.3 |
18.4.0-bb.1 🔗 |
Vault | Addon | 1.12.1 |
0.23.0-bb.2 |
Metrics Server | Addon | 0.6.2 |
3.8.3-bb.2 |
Changes in 1.55.0💣
Big Bang MRs💣
- !2552: k3d dev script metallb update
- !2503: OCI-ify wrapper + packages, add docs around usage
- !2532: Fluentbit CI values changes
- !2527: Conditional fix for standalone promtail
- !2547: Improving Grafana SecretMounts handling
- !2529: kiali update to 1.64.0-bb.0
# Changelog Updates
## [1.64.0-bb.0] - 2023-02-22
### Changed
- Updated to 1.64.0 images (latest in IB)
- !2534: Policy update to 3.11.0-bb.1
# Changelog Updates
## [3.11.0-bb.1] - 2022-02-23
### Changed
- Updated v1.25.6 -> v1.26.1
Elasticsearch Kibana💣
- !2551: elasticsearch-kibana update to 1.1.0-bb.1
# Changelog Updates
## [1.1.0-bb.1] - 2023-03-01
### Added
- Exporter image added to chart.yaml and test images
# Changelog Updates
## [4.4.2-bb.2] - 2023-02-23
### Changed
- Backend, Read, Write PodDisruptionBudget template is now configurable
### Added
- `write|read|backend.podDisruptionBudget` values added to chart
## [4.4.2-bb.1] - 2022-02-22
### Changed
- Update kubectl from 1.25.6 -> 1.26.1
- !2548: neuvector update to 2.4.0-bb.6
- !2554: neuvector update to 2.4.2-bb.0
- !2486: neuvector update to network policies
# Changelog Updates
## [2.4.2-bb.0] - 2022-02-23
### Changed
- Update images from `5.1.0` to `5.1.1`
- Update chart version to `2.4.2`
- Update monitor chart to `2.4.2`
- Exporter image to test image list
## [2.4.0-bb.6] - 2022-02-28
### Added
- Add network policy for controller egress
## [2.4.0-bb.5] - 2022-02-09
### Changed
- Fixed network policy templating errors, standardized naming
- !2546: Monitoring & tempo updates for Service and Node Graph Features
# Changelog Updates
## [1.0.0-bb.3] - 2022-02-28
### Added
- NetworkPolicy template for prometheus Egress
- !2546: Monitoring & tempo updates for Service and Node Graph Features
# Changelog Updates
## [43.1.2-bb.3] - 2022-02-28
### Added
- NetworkPolicy template for tempo ingress to facilitate remote metrics write publishing
- !2557: argocd update to 5.22.1-bb.0
# Changelog Updates
## [5.22.1-bb.0] - 2023-02-22
### Updated
- Updated to Argo 2.6.1
- Updated chart to latest 5.22.1
- !2523: authservice update to 0.5.3-bb.5
# Changelog Updates
## [0.5.3-bb.5]
### Changed
- HPA template syntax update to support apiVersion v2 for k8s 1.23+
## [0.5.3-bb.4]
### Added
- NetworkPolicy template to facilitate tracing engine communication
- HPA update to support apiVersion v2 for k8s 1.23+
Gitlab Runner💣
- !2538: gitlab-runner update to 0.49.1-bb.0
# Changelog Updates
## [0.49.1-bb.0] - 2022-02-22
### Changed
- Updated images to latest (15.8.1)
- Updated chart to 0.49.1
- !2539: nexus update to 47.1.0-bb.0
# Changelog Updates
## [47.1.0-bb.0] - 2023-02-14
### Changed
- Updated chart to version: 47.1.0-bb.0 | appVersion: 3.47.1
- !2550: sonarqube update to 8.0.0-bb.1
# Changelog Updates
## [8.0.0-bb.1] - 2023-02-27
### Changed
- upgraded postgresql dependency to `12.14`
- !2556: mattermost update to 7.8.0-bb.0
# Changelog Updates
## [7.8.0-bb.0] - 2023-03-01
### Changed
- ironbank/opensource/postgres/postgresql12 updated from 12.13 to 12.14
- ironbank/opensource/mattermost/mattermost updated from 7.7.1 to 7.8.0
- !2549: velero update to 3.1.2-bb.1
# Changelog Updates
## [3.1.2-bb.1]
### Changed
- Fixed mismatch between volume and mount for caCert
# Changelog Updates
## [18.4.0-bb.1] - 2022-02-27
### Updated
- new plugin version 3.1.0
Known Issues💣
- On some k8s distros certain components in the kube-system namespace are unable to be scraped by Prometheus due to the services default network interface binding - More Information
Helpful Links💣
As always, we welcome and appreciate feedback from our community of users. Please feel free to:
- Open issues here
- Join our chat
- Check out the documentation for guidance on how to get started
Don’t see your feature and/or bug fix? Check out our epics for estimates on when you can expect things to drop, and as always, feel free to comment or create issues if you have questions, comments, or concerns.