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Release Notes - 1.49.0💣

Please see our documentation page for more information on how to consume and deploy BigBang.

Upgrade Notices💣


  • Flux is updating to a new minor version in this release, from 0.36.0 to 0.37.0, component versions:
  • source-controller: v0.32.1
  • helm-controller: v0.27.0
  • kustomize-controller: v0.31.0
  • notification-controller: v0.29.0
  • We recommend updating Flux to stay up to date - we only test releases against the latest Flux version in Big Bang. Running the Flux update script via ./scripts/ -s will re-use your existing pull secret and update all components.
  • gitImplementation for the source-controller is deprecated as of this update, review the notes from upstream here



  • Neuvector is included in this release as a new BETA package, disabled by default, as an opensource alternative to Twistlock/Prisma Cloud Compute
  • As with all of our previous BETA packages, there may be significant changes to come and we do NOT recommend using Neuvector in production yet
  • Please report back with any issues or errors you see when testing it out
  • We do not yet have in depth documentation for usage, as a minimum to deploy you will need to set values to specify your container runtime as in the example below:
      enabled: true
          enabled: true
          runtimePath: /run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock

Upgrades from previous releases💣

If coming from a version pre-1.48.0, note the additional upgrade notices in any release in between. The BB team doesn’t test/guarantee upgrades from anything pre-1.48.0.


Package Type Package Version BB Version
Istio Controlplane Core Istio 1.15.3 Tetrate Istio Distro 1.15.1 1.15.3-bb.0
Istio Operator Core Istio Operator 1.15.3 Tetrate Istio Distro Operator 1.15.1 1.15.3-bb.0
Jaeger Core 1.39.0 2.37.0-bb.0
Kiali Core 1.59.1 1.59.1-bb.1
Cluster Auditor Core 0.0.7 1.5.0-bb.1
Gatekeeper Core 3.10.0 3.10.0-bb.0
Kyverno Core 1.8.1 2.6.1-bb.0
Kyverno Policies Core 1.0.1 1.0.1-bb.8
Updated Kyverno Reporter Core 2.10.3 2.13.4-bb.1 🔗
Elasticsearch Kibana Core Kibana 8.5.0 Elasticsearch 8.5.0 0.13.0-bb.0
Eck Operator Core 2.5.0 2.5.0-bb.0
Fluentbit Core 2.0.5 0.21.2-bb.0
Updated Promtail Core 2.7.0 6.7.2-bb.0 🔗
Updated Loki Core 2.7.0 3.6.0-bb.0 🔗
New Neuvector BETA Core 5.0.2 2.2.2-bb.2
Tempo Core Tempo 1.5.0 Tempo Query 1.5.0 0.16.1-bb.2
Monitoring Core Prometheus 2.39.1 Grafana 9.2.2 Alertmanager 0.24.0 41.7.3-bb.0
Updated Twistlock Core 22.06.197 0.11.4-bb.1 🔗
Argocd Addon 2.4.12 5.5.7-bb.5
Updated Authservice Addon 0.5.3 0.5.3-bb.2 🔗
Minio Operator Addon 4.5.4 4.5.4-bb.0
Updated Minio Addon RELEASE.2022-11-26T22-43-32Z 4.5.4-bb.2 🔗
Updated Gitlab Addon 15.6.1 6.6.1-bb.1 🔗
Updated Gitlab Runner Addon 15.6.0 0.47.0-bb.1 🔗
Updated Nexus Addon 3.42.0-01 42.0.0-bb.3 🔗
Updated Sonarqube Addon 8.9.10-community 1.0.31-bb.3 🔗
Haproxy Addon 2.2.21 1.12.0-bb.0
Anchore Enterprise Addon Enterprise 4.2.0 Engine 1.1.0 1.20.0-bb.1
Updated Mattermost Operator Addon 1.19.0 1.19.0-bb.0 🔗
Updated Mattermost Addon 7.5.1 7.5.1-bb.0 🔗
Velero Addon 1.9.3 2.32.2-bb.0
Keycloak Addon Keycloak 18.0.2-legacy PlatformOne Plugin 1.2.0 18.2.1-bb.5
Vault Addon 1.12.0 0.22.1-bb.0
Metrics Server Addon 0.6.1 3.8.0-bb.6

Changes in 1.49.0💣

Big Bang MRs💣

  • !2319: .git for kyverno reporter
  • !2315: Remove control-plane label from Gatekeeper namespace
  • !2311: Resolve “Appliance Mode Document and Values File”
  • !2302: Standardize filenames to helmrelease.yaml
  • !2277: Update Flux to 0.37.0
  • !2272: Extends Big Bang using Values

Kyverno Reporter💣

  • !2318: Kyverno Reporter mTLS
  • !2301: Kyverno Reporter: Update to 2.10.3
# Changelog Updates

## [2.13.4-bb.1] - 2022-12-06

### Changed

- Enabled mTLS for Kyverno Reporter metrics
- updated gluon to 0.3.1

## [2.13.4-bb.0] - 2022-11-17

### Changed

- Updated chart to 2.13.4 upstream version, updated reporter images to 2.10.3 (reporter). Updated ui to 2.6.5


  • !2312: Promtail: Updated to 2.7.0
# Changelog Updates

## [6.7.2-bb.0]

### Changed

- Bumped chart version to 6.7.2
- Bumped appversion to 2.7.0


  • !2310: Loki renovate 3.6.0
# Changelog Updates

## [3.6.0-bb.0]

### Changed

- Updated chart to `helm-loki-3.6.0`
- Updated minio image to `4.5.4-bb.2`


  • !2322: Neuvector: Fix failing test
  • !2233: Resolve “Integrate Neuvector with BB as a core package”
# Changelog Updates

## [2.2.2-bb.2]

### Fixed

- Hot fix for some UI testing hiccups

## [2.2.2-bb.1]

### Changed

- Added tests directory and a test-ui file

## [2.2.2-bb.0]

### Changed

- Update images to IronBank images (5.0.2)
- Update chart version to `2.2.2`
- Use BB base image for updater job


  • !2316: Twistlock: Fix privileged passthrough, WAAS documentation
# Changelog Updates

## [0.11.4-bb.1] - 2022-12-05

### Fixed

- Quote value for privileged for stringData

### Added

- Add docs for WAAS


  • !2295: Authservice: custom authpolicy ruleset
  • !2294: Authservice: Add support for equality chain matching
# Changelog Updates

## [0.5.3-bb.2]

### Added

- Added AuthorizationPolicy custom ruleset value and logic

## [0.5.3-bb.1]

### Added

- Added support for `equality` chain matching


  • !2303: Updated minio to version RELEASE.2022-11-26T22-43-32Z
# Changelog Updates

## [4.5.4-bb.2] - 2022-12-05

### Updated

- Update MinIO to `RELEASE.2022-11-26T22-43-32Z`


  • !2309: Updated gitlab gitaly network policy
  • !2306: Gitlab: Update to 15.6.1
  • !2298: Updating gitlab CA certs, adding when sso enabled
# Changelog Updates

## [6.6.1-bb.1] - 2022-12-06

### Changed

- updated gitaly networkPolicies to allow for gitlab mirroring

## [6.6.1-bb.0] - 2022-12-02

### Changed

- Updated to helm chart to 6.6.1 and appVersion to 15.6.1
- ironbank/gitlab/gitlab/gitlab-webservice minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- minor 15.5.2 -> 15.6.1
- patch RELEASE.2022-11-07T23-47-39Z -> RELEASE.2022-11-17T21-20-39Z
- patch RELEASE.2022-11-11T03-44-20Z -> RELEASE.2022-11-26T22-43-32Z

## [6.5.2-bb.3] - 2022-12-1

### Changed

- Updated DoD Approved External PKI Certificate Trust Chains to Version 9.5
- Shortened secrets creation template for the DoD certificates secret creation

Gitlab Runner💣

  • !2305: Gitlab Runner: Update to 15.6.0
# Changelog Updates

## [0.47.0-bb.1] - 2022-12-06

### Changed

- Updated test gitlab-runner-helper image

## [0.47.0-bb.0] - 2022-11-29

### Changed

- Updated to upstream chart 0.47.0
- Updated gitlab runner to v15.6.0


  • !2284: Updating servicemonitor configuration for nexus metrics
# Changelog Updates

## [42.0.0-bb.3] - 2022-11-28

### Changed

- Removed metrics exception for istio mTLS STRICT
- Added templating to `serviceMonitor` to enable mTLS metrics scraping


  • !2314: Sonarqube: Fix duplicate values in deployment
  • !2300: Updated sonarqube postgres dependency
# Changelog Updates

## [1.0.31-bb.3] - 2022-12-08

### Changes

- Removed duplicate `nodeSelector`, `affinity`, and `tolerances` in the `deployment.yaml`

## [1.0.31-bb.2] - 2022-12-01

### Changes

- upgraded postgresql dependency to `12.13`

Mattermost Operator💣

  • !2308: MM Operator: Update to 1.19.0
# Changelog Updates

## [1.19.0-bb.0] - 2022-12-06

### Changed

- ironbank/opensource/mattermost/mattermost-operator updated from 1.18.1 to 1.19.0


  • !2299: Mattermost: Update to 7.5.1
# Changelog Updates

## [7.5.1-bb.0] - 2022-11-18

### Changed

- ironbank/opensource/mattermost/mattermost updated from 7.4.0 to 7.5.1

Known Issues💣

  • On some k8s distros certain components in the kube-system namespace are unable to be scraped by Prometheus due to the services default network interface binding - More Information

As always, we welcome and appreciate feedback from our community of users. Please feel free to:


Don’t see your feature and/or bug fix? Check out our epics for estimates on when you can expect things to drop, and as always, feel free to comment or create issues if you have questions, comments, or concerns.