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Keycloak (Customized)💣

This repository contains a Helm chart to deploy a customizable Keycloak for single sign-on (SSO) with Identity and Access Management. It extends the open-source Keycloak with a plugin that adds additional customization for group authentication, registration, and themes.


The following items are required before deploying KeyCloak from this repository:

  • A running Kubernetes cluster
  • Helm


To get Keycloak running quickly, we recommend using the same configuration as our test environment.

Deploy Keycloak using the test configuration, but disable Istio:

# Deploy keycloak
helm upgrade -i -n keycloak --create-namespace -f ./tests/test-values.yaml --set istio.enabled=false keycloak ./chart

# Get name of running pod
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace keycloak -l "," -o name)

# Port forward pod to localhost
kubectl --namespace keycloak port-forward "$POD_NAME" 8080

Now, you can access keycloak registration through the endpoint of http://localhost:8080 which will attempt to authenticate you through SSO. In addition, you can access http://localhost:8080/auth/admin to reach the admin login screen. Login using the user admin and password password.


To customize the keycloak deployment, read the customization documentation

Custom Plugin Development💣

The plugin that allows for additional customization is located in the development directory. See the there for further documentation.

Last update: 2021-11-15 by kevin.wilder