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Anchore Keycloak Integration💣

This document summarizes helm values and manual steps that are required to integrate with Keycloak.

NOTE: SSO requires an Anchore Enterprise license. To be onboarded and provided with a trial or production license, please send an email to including program name and contact details.

Configuration Steps💣

These are the items you need to do to configure Keycloak and Anchore for SSO in your Big Bang installation.

Keycloak Configuration💣


Keycloak is configured with a working Realm including Groups and Users.

Keycloak Client Setup💣

You will first need to set up the Keycloak client that can be used by Anchore.

See here for an example.

Anchore Configuration💣

First make sure that your values will properly enable the UI - this requires toggling enterprise global on as well as the UI. For additional help on this, walk through the chart/README file.

The config changes needed for SSO/Keycloak in Anchore are embedded in the helm chart and require values to be set.

Set the values for your Anchore helm chart following the guide and example below. These can be encrypted if desired (add them to your secrets.enc.yaml file) or just added to your configmap.yaml.

      enabled: true
      clientId: "platform1_a8604cc9-f5e9-4656-802d-d05624370245_bb8-anchore" # Specific client ID for Anchore
      roleAttribute: "" # Optional, set a Keycloak attribute for role mapping - must exist and contain Anchore roles, i.e. read-write, full-control, etc

Also make sure you have set up the global oidc settings (realm and host).

For more details on the values being set here, view the “Anchore SSO Reference” below.

NOTE: Local development makes use of and the necessary values are committed in the values.yaml files in the repo and visible above.

If you are installing the chart without the core Big Bang application chart you will need to review the chart/values.yaml file for additional configuration help. Big Bang provides simplified mapping of some values.

Anchore 1.12.2-bb.0 Upgrade💣

When upgrading from any older chart version to 1.12.2-bb.0 you will hit an issue with SSO. This issue DOES NOT occur if you skip to 1.12.4-bb.0 (which is Big Bang’s reccomendation). After keycloak authentication you will be hit with a message from Anchore: “cannot POST /v1/saml/sso/keycloak (400)”.

To fix this issue without requiring a clean install, you need to run commands to clean up the DB and restart the API pod.

If running the internal postgres deployment on kubernetes, you should be able to run the following commands replacing the \<postgres> values with the current auth/db name for your instance:

kubectl exec -it -n anchore deploy/anchore-postgresql -- psql postgresql://<postgres-user>:<postgres-password>@localhost/<postgres-db> -c "DELETE FROM public.oauth2_clients; COMMIT;"
kubectl delete pods -l component=api -n anchore

If using an external postgres database, connect to it as the anchore user and run this PSQL command:

DELETE FROM public.oauth2_clients; COMMIT;

Then restart the API pod with this command:

kubectl delete pods -l component=api -n anchore

Additional References💣

Anchore SSO Reference - This includes the process to set up Keycloak integration manually. Our Helm chart automates this process through API calls.

Anchore SSO Mapping - This doc discusses how users are mapped from an SSO into Anchore’s users/priveleges.

Anchore + Keycloak Example - An example from Anchore of how to set up the Keycloak client.

Last update: 2021-05-11 by Jason Krause